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jest-docblock is a package that can extract and parse a specially-formatted comment called a "docblock" at the top of a file.

A docblock looks like this:

 * Stuff goes here!

Docblocks can contain pragmas, which are words prefixed by @:

 * Pragma incoming!
 * @flow

Pragmas can also take arguments:

 * Check this out:
 * @myPragma it is so cool

jest-docblock can:

  • extract the docblock from some code as a string
  • parse a docblock string's pragmas into an object
  • print an object and some comments back to a string


# with yarn
$ yarn add jest-docblock
# with npm
$ npm install jest-docblock


const code = `
 * Everything is awesome!
 * @everything is:awesome
 * @flow

 export const everything = Object.create(null);
 export default function isAwesome(something) {
   return something === everything;

const {
} = require('jest-docblock');

const docblock = extract(code);
console.log(docblock); // "/**\n * Everything is awesome!\n * \n * @everything is:awesome\n * @flow\n */"

const stripped = strip(code);
console.log(stripped); // "export const everything = Object.create(null);\n export default function isAwesome(something) {\n return something === everything;\n }"

const pragmas = parse(docblock);
console.log(pragmas); // { everything: "is:awesome", flow: "" }

const parsed = parseWithComments(docblock);
console.log(parsed); // { comments: "Everything is awesome!", pragmas: { everything: "is:awesome", flow: "" } }

console.log(print({pragmas, comments: 'hi!'})); // /**\n * hi!\n *\n * @everything is:awesome\n * @flow\n */;

API Documentation

extract(contents: string): string

Extracts a docblock from some file contents. Returns the docblock contained in contents. If contents did not contain a docblock, it will return the empty string ("").

strip(contents: string): string

Strips the top docblock from a file and return the result. If a file does not have a docblock at the top, then return the file unchanged.

parse(docblock: string): {[key: string]: string | string[] }

Parses the pragmas in a docblock string into an object whose keys are the pragma tags and whose values are the arguments to those pragmas.

parseWithComments(docblock: string): { comments: string, pragmas: {[key: string]: string | string[]} }

Similar to parse except this method also returns the comments from the docblock. Useful when used with print().

print({ comments?: string, pragmas?: {[key: string]: string | string[]} }): string

Prints an object of key-value pairs back into a docblock. If comments are provided, they will be positioned on the top of the docblock.