console.log("Hello B322"); // Console.log() ise useful for printing values of variables or results into the browser's console. let myVariable; myVariable = 'Hello'; // Trying to print out a value of a variable that has not been declared will return of "not defined" console.log(myVariable); // The "not defined" error in the console refers to the variable not being created /defined, whereas in the previous example the code refers to the "value" of the variable as not defiend. let hello; hello = "Hello"; console.log(hello); // Naming Variables // let FirstName = "Michael"; - bad variable name // let firstName = "Michael"; - good variable name // let product_description = "lorem ipsum" good variable name // Declaring and initializing variables let productName = 'desktop computer'; console.log (productName); let seatsInTheatres = '10'; console.log() // let variable cannot be re-declared within its scope. // let friend = 'kate'; // let friend = 'jane'; - would cause an error. // console.log(friend); let friend = 'Kate'; // Straight declaration friend = 'Jane'; console.log(friend); let supplier; // Variable is a container // Initialization is done after the variable has been declared. supplier = 'John Smith Tradings'; console.log(supplier); const interest = 3.539; console.log(interest); // You can't declare a const variable using initialization // const pi; // pi = 3.1416; // console.log(pi); // SECTION Data types // Strings let country = 'Philippines'; let province = "Metro Manila"; // Concatenating strings // Multiple string values can be combined to create a single string using + symbol. let fullAddress = province + ',' + country; // use '' for as a string console.log(fullAddress); let greeting = 'I live in the ' + country; console.log(greeting); let string = "Hello"; let number = 42; let result = string + " " + number; console.log(result); // Escape character "\" let mailAddress = 'Metro Manila\n\nPhilippines'; console.log(mailAddress); let message = "John's employees went home early"; console.log(message); message = "John's employees went home early"; // you can also use 'John\'s' console.log(message); // Numbers // Integers / Whole Numbers let headcount = 26; console.log(headcount); // Decimal Numbers/Fractions let grade = 98.7; console.log(grade); // Exponential Notation let planetDistance = 2e10; console.log(planetDistance); console.log("John's grade last quarter is " + grade); // Boolean // Boolean values are normally used to store values relating to the state of certain things, this would be useful for logics. let isMarried = false; let inGoodConduct = true; console.log("isMarried: " + isMarried); console.log("isGoodConduct: " + inGoodConduct); // Arrays /// Arrays are a special kind of data type that's used to store multiple values // Arrays can store different data types but is normally used to store similar data types. let grades = [98.7, 92.1, 90.2, 94.6]; console.log(grades); // Different data types // Storing different data types inside an array is not recommended because it nwill not make sense in the context of programming let details = ["John", "Smith", 32, true]; console.log(details); // Objects // Objects are another special kind o fdata type that's used to mimic real world objects/items. let person = { fullName: 'Juan Dela Cruz', age: 35, isMarried: false, contact: ["+63917 123 4567", "8123 4567"], address: { houseNumber: '345', city: 'Manila' } }; console.log(person); // typeof console.log(typeof person); let myGrades = { firstGrading: 98.7, secondGrading: 92.1, thirdGrading: 90.2, fourthGrading: 94.6 } console.log(myGrades); // Null // It is used to intentionally express the absence of a value in variable declaration/initialization // Null simply means that a data type was assigned to a variable but it does not hold any value/amount or is nullified let spouse = null; console.log(spouse); // Using null compared to 0 value and an empty string is much better for readability purposes // Null is also considered as a data type of it's own compared to 0 which is a data type of a number and a single quotes which are a data type of a string. let myNumber = 0; console.log(myNumber); let myString = ''; console.log(myString); // Undefined let fullName; console.log(fullName); // Undefiend vs Null // One clear difference between undefined and null is that for undefined, a variable was created but was not provided a value but, null means that a variable was created and was assigned a value that does not hold any value/ amount. // certain processes in programming would often return a "null" value when certain tasks results to nothing. let varA = null; console.log(varA); let varB; console.log(varB);