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<h1 class="hd-1">Designer</h1>
<p class="p p-1">Graphic designer specialize, UI design and design systems</p>
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<h1 class="hd-1">&lt;Coder&gt;</h1>
<p class="p p-1">Frontend developer who writes clean, elegant and efficient codes.</p>
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<p class="p p-1">A Frontend focused Web Developer building the Frontend of Websites and Design systems that leads to the success of the overall product.</p>
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<h1 class="h1">ABOUT ME</h1>
<p class="p p-1">Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology</p>
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<h2 class="h2 py-3">Get to know me!</h2>
<p class="p p-1">As a versatile creative professional, I wear multiple hats to bring impactful digital experiences to life. As a <span>Frontend Web Developer</span>, I craft functional and responsive websites that engage users.</p>
<p class="p p-1">My expertise as a <span>Graphic Designer</span> merges aesthetics and user experience, ensuring visually appealing and intuitive interfaces. I have a knack for graphic design, creating captivating branding, logos, and packaging that resonate with the target audience.</p>
<p class="p p-1">My skills extend to producing engaging social media content, crafting compelling visual narratives through video editing, and breathing life into designs with animations. I ensure that each project is not just aesthetically pleasing, but also strategically aligned to achieve business goals.</p>
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<h2 class="h2">Skills</h2>
<span class="html">HTML</span>
<span class="css">CSS</span>
<span class="javascript">JavaScript</span>
<span class="shopify">Shopify</span>
<span class="wordpress">Wordpress</span>
<span class="github">Github</span>
<span class="sqlbasics">SQL</span>
<span class="linux">Linux</span>
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<h2 class="h2 py-3">Tools</h2>
<span class="photoshop">Photoshop</span>
<span class="illustrator">Illustrator</span>
<span class="premiere">PremierePro</span>
<span class="figma">Figma</span>
<span class="figma">Canva</span>
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<h1 class="h1">PROJECTS</h1>
<p class="p p-1">Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology.</p>
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<h2 class="h2">Google</h2>
<p class="p p-1 pt-4">As a full-stack web developer at Google, I am responsible for designing, building, and maintaining web applications that support various Google products and services. My role involves both front-end and back-end development, collaborating with teams, and ensuring optimal user experiences. I contribute to Google's web ecosystem, serving a global user base.</p>
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<h2 class="h2">Twitter</h2>
<p class="p p-1 pt-4">As a full-stack web developer at Twitter, I focus on crafting and enhancing web-based features and services for Twitter's platform. My responsibilities span front-end and back-end development, working closely with cross-functional teams to deliver a seamless user experience. I contribute to Twitter's dynamic social media landscape, connecting users worldwide in real time.</p>
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<h2 class="h2">Facebook</h2>
<p class="p p-1 pt-4">
As a full-stack web developer at Facebook, my role centers on creating and improving web applications to support Facebook's vast array of features and services. I engage in front-end and back-end development, collaborating across teams to deliver an exceptional user experience. I play a part in Facebook's global social networking platform..</p>
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