You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

578 lines
16 KiB

'use strict';
const CastError = require('../../error/cast');
const MongooseError = require('../../error/mongooseError');
const StrictModeError = require('../../error/strict');
const ValidationError = require('../../error/validation');
const castNumber = require('../../cast/number');
const cast = require('../../cast');
const getConstructorName = require('../getConstructorName');
const getEmbeddedDiscriminatorPath = require('./getEmbeddedDiscriminatorPath');
const handleImmutable = require('./handleImmutable');
const moveImmutableProperties = require('../update/moveImmutableProperties');
const schemaMixedSymbol = require('../../schema/symbols').schemaMixedSymbol;
const setDottedPath = require('../path/setDottedPath');
const utils = require('../../utils');
const mongodbUpdateOperators = new Set([
* Casts an update op based on the given schema
* @param {Schema} schema
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean|String} [options.strict] defaults to true
* @param {Query} context passed to setters
* @return {Boolean} true iff the update is non-empty
* @api private
module.exports = function castUpdate(schema, obj, options, context, filter) {
if (obj == null) {
return undefined;
options = options || {};
// Update pipeline
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
const len = obj.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const ops = Object.keys(obj[i]);
for (const op of ops) {
obj[i][op] = castPipelineOperator(op, obj[i][op]);
return obj;
if (options.upsert) {
moveImmutableProperties(schema, obj, context);
const ops = Object.keys(obj);
let i = ops.length;
const ret = {};
let val;
let hasDollarKey = false;
filter = filter || {};
while (i--) {
const op = ops[i];
if (!mongodbUpdateOperators.has(op)) {
// fix up $set sugar
if (!ret.$set) {
if (obj.$set) {
ret.$set = obj.$set;
} else {
ret.$set = {};
ret.$set[op] = obj[op];
ops.splice(i, 1);
if (!~ops.indexOf('$set')) ops.push('$set');
} else if (op === '$set') {
if (!ret.$set) {
ret[op] = obj[op];
} else {
ret[op] = obj[op];
// cast each value
i = ops.length;
while (i--) {
const op = ops[i];
val = ret[op];
hasDollarKey = hasDollarKey || op.startsWith('$');
if (val &&
typeof val === 'object' &&
!Buffer.isBuffer(val) &&
mongodbUpdateOperators.has(op)) {
walkUpdatePath(schema, val, op, options, context, filter);
} else {
const msg = 'Invalid atomic update value for ' + op + '. '
+ 'Expected an object, received ' + typeof val;
throw new Error(msg);
if (op.startsWith('$') && utils.isEmptyObject(val)) {
delete ret[op];
if (Object.keys(ret).length === 0 &&
options.upsert &&
Object.keys(filter).length > 0) {
// Trick the driver into allowing empty upserts to work around
// Shallow clone to avoid passing defaults in re: gh-13962
return { $setOnInsert: { ...filter } };
return ret;
* ignore
function castPipelineOperator(op, val) {
if (op === '$unset') {
if (typeof val !== 'string' && (!Array.isArray(val) || val.find(v => typeof v !== 'string'))) {
throw new MongooseError('Invalid $unset in pipeline, must be ' +
' a string or an array of strings');
return val;
if (op === '$project') {
if (val == null || typeof val !== 'object') {
throw new MongooseError('Invalid $project in pipeline, must be an object');
return val;
if (op === '$addFields' || op === '$set') {
if (val == null || typeof val !== 'object') {
throw new MongooseError('Invalid ' + op + ' in pipeline, must be an object');
return val;
} else if (op === '$replaceRoot' || op === '$replaceWith') {
if (val == null || typeof val !== 'object') {
throw new MongooseError('Invalid ' + op + ' in pipeline, must be an object');
return val;
throw new MongooseError('Invalid update pipeline operator: "' + op + '"');
* Walk each path of obj and cast its values
* according to its schema.
* @param {Schema} schema
* @param {Object} obj part of a query
* @param {String} op the atomic operator ($pull, $set, etc)
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean|String} [options.strict]
* @param {Query} context
* @param {Object} filter
* @param {String} pref path prefix (internal only)
* @return {Bool} true if this path has keys to update
* @api private
function walkUpdatePath(schema, obj, op, options, context, filter, pref) {
const strict = options.strict;
const prefix = pref ? pref + '.' : '';
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
let i = keys.length;
let hasKeys = false;
let schematype;
let key;
let val;
let aggregatedError = null;
const strictMode = strict != null ? strict : schema.options.strict;
while (i--) {
key = keys[i];
val = obj[key];
// `$pull` is special because we need to cast the RHS as a query, not as
// an update.
if (op === '$pull') {
schematype = schema._getSchema(prefix + key);
if (schematype != null && schematype.schema != null) {
obj[key] = cast(schematype.schema, obj[key], options, context);
hasKeys = true;
const discriminatorKey = (prefix ? prefix + key : key);
if (
schema.discriminatorMapping != null &&
discriminatorKey === schema.options.discriminatorKey &&
schema.discriminatorMapping.value !== obj[key] &&
) {
if (strictMode === 'throw') {
const err = new Error('Can\'t modify discriminator key "' + discriminatorKey + '" on discriminator model');
aggregatedError = _appendError(err, context, discriminatorKey, aggregatedError);
} else if (strictMode) {
delete obj[key];
if (getConstructorName(val) === 'Object') {
// watch for embedded doc schemas
schematype = schema._getSchema(prefix + key);
if (schematype == null) {
const _res = getEmbeddedDiscriminatorPath(schema, obj, filter, prefix + key, options);
if (_res.schematype != null) {
schematype = _res.schematype;
if (op !== '$setOnInsert' &&
handleImmutable(schematype, strict, obj, key, prefix + key, context)) {
if (schematype && schematype.caster && op in castOps) {
// embedded doc schema
if ('$each' in val) {
hasKeys = true;
try {
obj[key] = {
$each: castUpdateVal(schematype, val.$each, op, key, context, prefix + key)
} catch (error) {
aggregatedError = _appendError(error, context, key, aggregatedError);
if (val.$slice != null) {
obj[key].$slice = val.$slice | 0;
if (val.$sort) {
obj[key].$sort = val.$sort;
if (val.$position != null) {
obj[key].$position = castNumber(val.$position);
} else {
if (schematype != null && schematype.$isSingleNested) {
const _strict = strict == null ? schematype.schema.options.strict : strict;
try {
obj[key] = schematype.castForQuery(null, val, context, { strict: _strict });
} catch (error) {
aggregatedError = _appendError(error, context, key, aggregatedError);
} else {
try {
obj[key] = castUpdateVal(schematype, val, op, key, context, prefix + key);
} catch (error) {
aggregatedError = _appendError(error, context, key, aggregatedError);
if (obj[key] === void 0) {
delete obj[key];
hasKeys = true;
} else if ((op === '$currentDate') || (op in castOps && schematype)) {
// $currentDate can take an object
try {
obj[key] = castUpdateVal(schematype, val, op, key, context, prefix + key);
} catch (error) {
aggregatedError = _appendError(error, context, key, aggregatedError);
if (obj[key] === void 0) {
delete obj[key];
hasKeys = true;
} else {
const pathToCheck = (prefix + key);
const v = schema._getPathType(pathToCheck);
let _strict = strict;
if (v && v.schema && _strict == null) {
_strict = v.schema.options.strict;
if (v.pathType === 'undefined') {
if (_strict === 'throw') {
throw new StrictModeError(pathToCheck);
} else if (_strict) {
delete obj[key];
// gh-2314
// we should be able to set a schema-less field
// to an empty object literal
hasKeys |= walkUpdatePath(schema, val, op, options, context, filter, prefix + key) ||
(utils.isObject(val) && Object.keys(val).length === 0);
} else {
const checkPath = (key === '$each' || key === '$or' || key === '$and' || key === '$in') ?
pref : prefix + key;
schematype = schema._getSchema(checkPath);
// You can use `$setOnInsert` with immutable keys
if (op !== '$setOnInsert' &&
handleImmutable(schematype, strict, obj, key, prefix + key, context)) {
let pathDetails = schema._getPathType(checkPath);
// If no schema type, check for embedded discriminators because the
// filter or update may imply an embedded discriminator type. See #8378
if (schematype == null) {
const _res = getEmbeddedDiscriminatorPath(schema, obj, filter, checkPath, options);
if (_res.schematype != null) {
schematype = _res.schematype;
pathDetails = _res.type;
let isStrict = strict;
if (pathDetails && pathDetails.schema && strict == null) {
isStrict = pathDetails.schema.options.strict;
const skip = isStrict &&
!schematype &&
if (skip) {
// Even if strict is `throw`, avoid throwing an error because of
// virtuals because of #6731
if (isStrict === 'throw' && schema.virtuals[checkPath] == null) {
throw new StrictModeError(prefix + key);
} else {
delete obj[key];
} else {
// gh-1845 temporary fix: ignore $rename. See gh-3027 for tracking
// improving this.
if (op === '$rename') {
hasKeys = true;
try {
if (prefix.length === 0 || key.indexOf('.') === -1) {
obj[key] = castUpdateVal(schematype, val, op, key, context, prefix + key);
} else if (isStrict !== false || schematype != null) {
// Setting a nested dotted path that's in the schema. We don't allow paths with '.' in
// a schema, so replace the dotted path with a nested object to avoid ending up with
// dotted properties in the updated object. See (gh-10200)
setDottedPath(obj, key, castUpdateVal(schematype, val, op, key, context, prefix + key));
delete obj[key];
} catch (error) {
aggregatedError = _appendError(error, context, key, aggregatedError);
if (Array.isArray(obj[key]) && (op === '$addToSet' || op === '$push') && key !== '$each') {
if (schematype &&
schematype.caster &&
!schematype.caster.$isMongooseArray &&
!schematype.caster[schemaMixedSymbol]) {
obj[key] = { $each: obj[key] };
if (obj[key] === void 0) {
delete obj[key];
hasKeys = true;
if (aggregatedError != null) {
throw aggregatedError;
return hasKeys;
* ignore
function _appendError(error, query, key, aggregatedError) {
if (typeof query !== 'object' || !query.options.multipleCastError) {
throw error;
aggregatedError = aggregatedError || new ValidationError();
aggregatedError.addError(key, error);
return aggregatedError;
* These operators should be cast to numbers instead
* of their path schema type.
* @api private
const numberOps = {
$pop: 1,
$inc: 1
* These ops require no casting because the RHS doesn't do anything.
* @api private
const noCastOps = {
$unset: 1
* These operators require casting docs
* to real Documents for Update operations.
* @api private
const castOps = {
$push: 1,
$addToSet: 1,
$set: 1,
$setOnInsert: 1
* ignore
const overwriteOps = {
$set: 1,
$setOnInsert: 1
* Casts `val` according to `schema` and atomic `op`.
* @param {SchemaType} schema
* @param {Object} val
* @param {String} op the atomic operator ($pull, $set, etc)
* @param {String} $conditional
* @param {Query} context
* @param {String} path
* @api private
function castUpdateVal(schema, val, op, $conditional, context, path) {
if (!schema) {
// non-existing schema path
if (op in numberOps) {
try {
return castNumber(val);
} catch (err) {
throw new CastError('number', val, path);
return val;
// console.log('CastUpdateVal', path, op, val, schema);
const cond = schema.caster && op in castOps &&
(utils.isObject(val) || Array.isArray(val));
if (cond && !overwriteOps[op]) {
// Cast values for ops that add data to MongoDB.
// Ensures embedded documents get ObjectIds etc.
let schemaArrayDepth = 0;
let cur = schema;
while (cur.$isMongooseArray) {
cur = cur.caster;
let arrayDepth = 0;
let _val = val;
while (Array.isArray(_val)) {
_val = _val[0];
const additionalNesting = schemaArrayDepth - arrayDepth;
while (arrayDepth < schemaArrayDepth) {
val = [val];
let tmp = schema.applySetters(Array.isArray(val) ? val : [val], context);
for (let i = 0; i < additionalNesting; ++i) {
tmp = tmp[0];
return tmp;
if (op in noCastOps) {
return val;
if (op in numberOps) {
// Null and undefined not allowed for $pop, $inc
if (val == null) {
throw new CastError('number', val, schema.path);
if (op === '$inc') {
// Support `$inc` with long, int32, etc. (gh-4283)
return schema.castForQuery(
try {
return castNumber(val);
} catch (error) {
throw new CastError('number', val, schema.path);
if (op === '$currentDate') {
if (typeof val === 'object') {
return { $type: val.$type };
return Boolean(val);
if (mongodbUpdateOperators.has($conditional)) {
return schema.castForQuery(
if (overwriteOps[op]) {
const skipQueryCastForUpdate = val != null && schema.$isMongooseArray && schema.$fullPath != null && !schema.$fullPath.match(/\d+$/);
const applySetters = schema[schemaMixedSymbol] != null;
if (skipQueryCastForUpdate || applySetters) {
return schema.applySetters(val, context);
return schema.castForQuery(
return schema.castForQuery(null, val, context);