'use strict'; const MongooseError = require('../../error/index'); const SkipPopulateValue = require('./skipPopulateValue'); const clone = require('../clone'); const get = require('../get'); const getDiscriminatorByValue = require('../discriminator/getDiscriminatorByValue'); const getConstructorName = require('../getConstructorName'); const getSchemaTypes = require('./getSchemaTypes'); const getVirtual = require('./getVirtual'); const lookupLocalFields = require('./lookupLocalFields'); const mpath = require('mpath'); const modelNamesFromRefPath = require('./modelNamesFromRefPath'); const utils = require('../../utils'); const modelSymbol = require('../symbols').modelSymbol; const populateModelSymbol = require('../symbols').populateModelSymbol; const schemaMixedSymbol = require('../../schema/symbols').schemaMixedSymbol; const StrictPopulate = require('../../error/strictPopulate'); module.exports = function getModelsMapForPopulate(model, docs, options) { let doc; const len = docs.length; const map = []; const modelNameFromQuery = options.model && options.model.modelName || options.model; let schema; let refPath; let modelNames; const available = {}; const modelSchema = model.schema; // Populating a nested path should always be a no-op re: #9073. // People shouldn't do this, but apparently they do. if (options._localModel != null && options._localModel.schema.nested[options.path]) { return []; } const _virtualRes = getVirtual(model.schema, options.path); const virtual = _virtualRes == null ? null : _virtualRes.virtual; if (virtual != null) { return _virtualPopulate(model, docs, options, _virtualRes); } let allSchemaTypes = getSchemaTypes(model, modelSchema, null, options.path); allSchemaTypes = Array.isArray(allSchemaTypes) ? allSchemaTypes : [allSchemaTypes].filter(v => v != null); const isStrictPopulateDisabled = options.strictPopulate === false || options.options?.strictPopulate === false; if (!isStrictPopulateDisabled && allSchemaTypes.length === 0 && options._localModel != null) { return new StrictPopulate(options._fullPath || options.path); } for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { doc = docs[i]; let justOne = null; const docSchema = doc != null && doc.$__ != null ? doc.$__schema : modelSchema; schema = getSchemaTypes(model, docSchema, doc, options.path); // Special case: populating a path that's a DocumentArray unless // there's an explicit `ref` or `refPath` re: gh-8946 if (schema != null && schema.$isMongooseDocumentArray && schema.options.ref == null && schema.options.refPath == null) { continue; } const isUnderneathDocArray = schema && schema.$parentSchemaDocArray; if (isUnderneathDocArray && get(options, 'options.sort') != null) { return new MongooseError('Cannot populate with `sort` on path ' + options.path + ' because it is a subproperty of a document array'); } modelNames = null; let isRefPath = false; let normalizedRefPath = null; let schemaOptions = null; let modelNamesInOrder = null; if (schema != null && schema.instance === 'Embedded') { if (schema.options.ref) { const data = { localField: options.path + '._id', foreignField: '_id', justOne: true }; const res = _getModelNames(doc, schema, modelNameFromQuery, model); const unpopulatedValue = mpath.get(options.path, doc); const id = mpath.get('_id', unpopulatedValue); addModelNamesToMap(model, map, available, res.modelNames, options, data, id, doc, schemaOptions, unpopulatedValue); } // No-op if no `ref` set. See gh-11538 continue; } if (Array.isArray(schema)) { const schemasArray = schema; for (const _schema of schemasArray) { let _modelNames; let res; try { res = _getModelNames(doc, _schema, modelNameFromQuery, model); _modelNames = res.modelNames; isRefPath = isRefPath || res.isRefPath; normalizedRefPath = normalizedRefPath || res.refPath; justOne = res.justOne; } catch (error) { return error; } if (isRefPath && !res.isRefPath) { continue; } if (!_modelNames) { continue; } modelNames = modelNames || []; for (const modelName of _modelNames) { if (modelNames.indexOf(modelName) === -1) { modelNames.push(modelName); } } } } else { try { const res = _getModelNames(doc, schema, modelNameFromQuery, model); modelNames = res.modelNames; isRefPath = res.isRefPath; normalizedRefPath = normalizedRefPath || res.refPath; justOne = res.justOne; schemaOptions = get(schema, 'options.populate', null); // Dedupe, because `refPath` can return duplicates of the same model name, // and that causes perf issues. if (isRefPath) { modelNamesInOrder = modelNames; modelNames = Array.from(new Set(modelNames)); } } catch (error) { return error; } if (!modelNames) { continue; } } const data = {}; const localField = options.path; const foreignField = '_id'; // `justOne = null` means we don't know from the schema whether the end // result should be an array or a single doc. This can result from // populating a POJO using `Model.populate()` if ('justOne' in options && options.justOne !== void 0) { justOne = options.justOne; } else if (schema && !schema[schemaMixedSymbol]) { // Skip Mixed types because we explicitly don't do casting on those. if (options.path.endsWith('.' + schema.path) || options.path === schema.path) { justOne = Array.isArray(schema) ? schema.every(schema => !schema.$isMongooseArray) : !schema.$isMongooseArray; } } if (!modelNames) { continue; } data.isVirtual = false; data.justOne = justOne; data.localField = localField; data.foreignField = foreignField; // Get local fields const ret = _getLocalFieldValues(doc, localField, model, options, null, schema); const id = String(utils.getValue(foreignField, doc)); options._docs[id] = Array.isArray(ret) ? ret.slice() : ret; let match = get(options, 'match', null); const hasMatchFunction = typeof match === 'function'; if (hasMatchFunction) { match = match.call(doc, doc); } data.match = match; data.hasMatchFunction = hasMatchFunction; data.isRefPath = isRefPath; data.modelNamesInOrder = modelNamesInOrder; if (isRefPath) { const embeddedDiscriminatorModelNames = _findRefPathForDiscriminators(doc, modelSchema, data, options, normalizedRefPath, ret); modelNames = embeddedDiscriminatorModelNames || modelNames; } try { addModelNamesToMap(model, map, available, modelNames, options, data, ret, doc, schemaOptions); } catch (err) { return err; } } return map; function _getModelNames(doc, schema, modelNameFromQuery, model) { let modelNames; let isRefPath = false; let justOne = null; const originalSchema = schema; if (schema && schema.instance === 'Array') { schema = schema.caster; } if (schema && schema.$isSchemaMap) { schema = schema.$__schemaType; } const ref = schema && schema.options && schema.options.ref; refPath = schema && schema.options && schema.options.refPath; if (schema != null && schema[schemaMixedSymbol] && !ref && !refPath && !modelNameFromQuery) { return { modelNames: null }; } if (modelNameFromQuery) { modelNames = [modelNameFromQuery]; // query options } else if (refPath != null) { if (typeof refPath === 'function') { const subdocPath = options.path.slice(0, options.path.length - schema.path.length - 1); const vals = mpath.get(subdocPath, doc, lookupLocalFields); const subdocsBeingPopulated = Array.isArray(vals) ? utils.array.flatten(vals) : (vals ? [vals] : []); modelNames = new Set(); for (const subdoc of subdocsBeingPopulated) { refPath = refPath.call(subdoc, subdoc, options.path); modelNamesFromRefPath(refPath, doc, options.path, modelSchema, options._queryProjection). forEach(name => modelNames.add(name)); } modelNames = Array.from(modelNames); } else { modelNames = modelNamesFromRefPath(refPath, doc, options.path, modelSchema, options._queryProjection); } isRefPath = true; } else { let ref; let refPath; let schemaForCurrentDoc; let discriminatorValue; let modelForCurrentDoc = model; const discriminatorKey = model.schema.options.discriminatorKey; if (!schema && discriminatorKey && (discriminatorValue = utils.getValue(discriminatorKey, doc))) { // `modelNameForFind` is the discriminator value, so we might need // find the discriminated model name const discriminatorModel = getDiscriminatorByValue(model.discriminators, discriminatorValue) || model; if (discriminatorModel != null) { modelForCurrentDoc = discriminatorModel; } else { try { modelForCurrentDoc = _getModelFromConn(model.db, discriminatorValue); } catch (error) { return error; } } schemaForCurrentDoc = modelForCurrentDoc.schema._getSchema(options.path); if (schemaForCurrentDoc && schemaForCurrentDoc.caster) { schemaForCurrentDoc = schemaForCurrentDoc.caster; } } else { schemaForCurrentDoc = schema; } if (originalSchema && originalSchema.path.endsWith('.$*')) { justOne = !originalSchema.$isMongooseArray && !originalSchema._arrayPath; } else if (schemaForCurrentDoc != null) { justOne = !schemaForCurrentDoc.$isMongooseArray && !schemaForCurrentDoc._arrayPath; } if ((ref = get(schemaForCurrentDoc, 'options.ref')) != null) { if (schemaForCurrentDoc != null && typeof ref === 'function' && options.path.endsWith('.' + schemaForCurrentDoc.path)) { // Ensure correct context for ref functions: subdoc, not top-level doc. See gh-8469 modelNames = new Set(); const subdocPath = options.path.slice(0, options.path.length - schemaForCurrentDoc.path.length - 1); const vals = mpath.get(subdocPath, doc, lookupLocalFields); const subdocsBeingPopulated = Array.isArray(vals) ? utils.array.flatten(vals) : (vals ? [vals] : []); for (const subdoc of subdocsBeingPopulated) { modelNames.add(handleRefFunction(ref, subdoc)); } if (subdocsBeingPopulated.length === 0) { modelNames = [handleRefFunction(ref, doc)]; } else { modelNames = Array.from(modelNames); } } else { ref = handleRefFunction(ref, doc); modelNames = [ref]; } } else if ((schemaForCurrentDoc = get(schema, 'options.refPath')) != null) { isRefPath = true; if (typeof refPath === 'function') { const subdocPath = options.path.slice(0, options.path.length - schemaForCurrentDoc.path.length - 1); const vals = mpath.get(subdocPath, doc, lookupLocalFields); const subdocsBeingPopulated = Array.isArray(vals) ? utils.array.flatten(vals) : (vals ? [vals] : []); modelNames = new Set(); for (const subdoc of subdocsBeingPopulated) { refPath = refPath.call(subdoc, subdoc, options.path); modelNamesFromRefPath(refPath, doc, options.path, modelSchema, options._queryProjection). forEach(name => modelNames.add(name)); } modelNames = Array.from(modelNames); } else { modelNames = modelNamesFromRefPath(refPath, doc, options.path, modelSchema, options._queryProjection); } } } if (!modelNames) { // `Model.populate()` on a POJO with no known local model. Default to using the `Model` if (options._localModel == null) { modelNames = [model.modelName]; } else { return { modelNames: modelNames, justOne: justOne, isRefPath: isRefPath, refPath: refPath }; } } if (!Array.isArray(modelNames)) { modelNames = [modelNames]; } return { modelNames: modelNames, justOne: justOne, isRefPath: isRefPath, refPath: refPath }; } }; /*! * ignore */ function _virtualPopulate(model, docs, options, _virtualRes) { const map = []; const available = {}; const virtual = _virtualRes.virtual; for (const doc of docs) { let modelNames = null; const data = {}; // localField and foreignField let localField; const virtualPrefix = _virtualRes.nestedSchemaPath ? _virtualRes.nestedSchemaPath + '.' : ''; if (typeof options.localField === 'string') { localField = options.localField; } else if (typeof virtual.options.localField === 'function') { localField = virtualPrefix + virtual.options.localField.call(doc, doc); } else if (Array.isArray(virtual.options.localField)) { localField = virtual.options.localField.map(field => virtualPrefix + field); } else { localField = virtualPrefix + virtual.options.localField; } data.count = virtual.options.count; if (virtual.options.skip != null && !options.hasOwnProperty('skip')) { options.skip = virtual.options.skip; } if (virtual.options.limit != null && !options.hasOwnProperty('limit')) { options.limit = virtual.options.limit; } if (virtual.options.perDocumentLimit != null && !options.hasOwnProperty('perDocumentLimit')) { options.perDocumentLimit = virtual.options.perDocumentLimit; } let foreignField = virtual.options.foreignField; if (!localField || !foreignField) { return new MongooseError(`Cannot populate virtual \`${options.path}\` on model \`${model.modelName}\`, because options \`localField\` and / or \`foreignField\` are missing`); } if (typeof localField === 'function') { localField = localField.call(doc, doc); } if (typeof foreignField === 'function') { foreignField = foreignField.call(doc, doc); } data.isRefPath = false; // `justOne = null` means we don't know from the schema whether the end // result should be an array or a single doc. This can result from // populating a POJO using `Model.populate()` let justOne = null; if ('justOne' in options && options.justOne !== void 0) { justOne = options.justOne; } if (virtual.options.refPath) { modelNames = modelNamesFromRefPath(virtual.options.refPath, doc, options.path); justOne = !!virtual.options.justOne; data.isRefPath = true; } else if (virtual.options.ref) { let normalizedRef; if (typeof virtual.options.ref === 'function' && !virtual.options.ref[modelSymbol]) { normalizedRef = virtual.options.ref.call(doc, doc); } else { normalizedRef = virtual.options.ref; } justOne = !!virtual.options.justOne; // When referencing nested arrays, the ref should be an Array // of modelNames. if (Array.isArray(normalizedRef)) { modelNames = normalizedRef; } else { modelNames = [normalizedRef]; } } data.isVirtual = true; data.virtual = virtual; data.justOne = justOne; // `match` const baseMatch = get(data, 'virtual.options.match', null) || get(data, 'virtual.options.options.match', null); let match = get(options, 'match', null) || baseMatch; let hasMatchFunction = typeof match === 'function'; if (hasMatchFunction) { match = match.call(doc, doc, data.virtual); } if (Array.isArray(localField) && Array.isArray(foreignField) && localField.length === foreignField.length) { match = Object.assign({}, match); for (let i = 1; i < localField.length; ++i) { match[foreignField[i]] = convertTo_id(mpath.get(localField[i], doc, lookupLocalFields), model.schema); hasMatchFunction = true; } localField = localField[0]; foreignField = foreignField[0]; } data.localField = localField; data.foreignField = foreignField; data.match = match; data.hasMatchFunction = hasMatchFunction; // Get local fields const ret = _getLocalFieldValues(doc, localField, model, options, virtual); try { addModelNamesToMap(model, map, available, modelNames, options, data, ret, doc); } catch (err) { return err; } } return map; } /*! * ignore */ function addModelNamesToMap(model, map, available, modelNames, options, data, ret, doc, schemaOptions, unpopulatedValue) { // `PopulateOptions#connection`: if the model is passed as a string, the // connection matters because different connections have different models. const connection = options.connection != null ? options.connection : model.db; unpopulatedValue = unpopulatedValue === void 0 ? ret : unpopulatedValue; if (Array.isArray(unpopulatedValue)) { unpopulatedValue = utils.cloneArrays(unpopulatedValue); } if (modelNames == null) { return; } let k = modelNames.length; while (k--) { const modelName = modelNames[k]; if (modelName == null) { continue; } let Model; if (options.model && options.model[modelSymbol]) { Model = options.model; } else if (modelName[modelSymbol]) { Model = modelName; } else { try { Model = _getModelFromConn(connection, modelName); } catch (err) { if (ret !== void 0) { throw err; } Model = null; } } let ids = ret; const flat = Array.isArray(ret) ? utils.array.flatten(ret) : []; const modelNamesForRefPath = data.modelNamesInOrder ? data.modelNamesInOrder : modelNames; if (data.isRefPath && Array.isArray(ret) && flat.length === modelNamesForRefPath.length) { ids = flat.filter((val, i) => modelNamesForRefPath[i] === modelName); } const perDocumentLimit = options.perDocumentLimit == null ? get(options, 'options.perDocumentLimit', null) : options.perDocumentLimit; if (!available[modelName] || perDocumentLimit != null) { const currentOptions = { model: Model }; if (data.isVirtual && get(data.virtual, 'options.options')) { currentOptions.options = clone(data.virtual.options.options); } else if (schemaOptions != null) { currentOptions.options = Object.assign({}, schemaOptions); } utils.merge(currentOptions, options); // Used internally for checking what model was used to populate this // path. options[populateModelSymbol] = Model; currentOptions[populateModelSymbol] = Model; available[modelName] = { model: Model, options: currentOptions, match: data.hasMatchFunction ? [data.match] : data.match, docs: [doc], ids: [ids], allIds: [ret], unpopulatedValues: [unpopulatedValue], localField: new Set([data.localField]), foreignField: new Set([data.foreignField]), justOne: data.justOne, isVirtual: data.isVirtual, virtual: data.virtual, count: data.count, [populateModelSymbol]: Model }; map.push(available[modelName]); } else { available[modelName].localField.add(data.localField); available[modelName].foreignField.add(data.foreignField); available[modelName].docs.push(doc); available[modelName].ids.push(ids); available[modelName].allIds.push(ret); available[modelName].unpopulatedValues.push(unpopulatedValue); if (data.hasMatchFunction) { available[modelName].match.push(data.match); } } } } function _getModelFromConn(conn, modelName) { /* If this connection has a parent from `useDb()`, bubble up to parent's models */ if (conn.models[modelName] == null && conn._parent != null) { return _getModelFromConn(conn._parent, modelName); } return conn.model(modelName); } /*! * ignore */ function handleRefFunction(ref, doc) { if (typeof ref === 'function' && !ref[modelSymbol]) { return ref.call(doc, doc); } return ref; } /*! * ignore */ function _getLocalFieldValues(doc, localField, model, options, virtual, schema) { // Get Local fields const localFieldPathType = model.schema._getPathType(localField); const localFieldPath = localFieldPathType === 'real' ? model.schema.path(localField) : localFieldPathType.schema; const localFieldGetters = localFieldPath && localFieldPath.getters ? localFieldPath.getters : []; localField = localFieldPath != null && localFieldPath.instance === 'Embedded' ? localField + '._id' : localField; const _populateOptions = get(options, 'options', {}); const getters = 'getters' in _populateOptions ? _populateOptions.getters : get(virtual, 'options.getters', false); if (localFieldGetters.length !== 0 && getters) { const hydratedDoc = (doc.$__ != null) ? doc : model.hydrate(doc); const localFieldValue = utils.getValue(localField, doc); if (Array.isArray(localFieldValue)) { const localFieldHydratedValue = utils.getValue(localField.split('.').slice(0, -1), hydratedDoc); return localFieldValue.map((localFieldArrVal, localFieldArrIndex) => localFieldPath.applyGetters(localFieldArrVal, localFieldHydratedValue[localFieldArrIndex])); } else { return localFieldPath.applyGetters(localFieldValue, hydratedDoc); } } else { return convertTo_id(mpath.get(localField, doc, lookupLocalFields), schema); } } /** * Retrieve the _id of `val` if a Document or Array of Documents. * * @param {Array|Document|Any} val * @param {Schema} schema * @return {Array|Document|Any} * @api private */ function convertTo_id(val, schema) { if (val != null && val.$__ != null) { return val._id; } if (val != null && val._id != null && (schema == null || !schema.$isSchemaMap)) { return val._id; } if (Array.isArray(val)) { const rawVal = val.__array != null ? val.__array : val; for (let i = 0; i < rawVal.length; ++i) { if (rawVal[i] != null && rawVal[i].$__ != null) { rawVal[i] = rawVal[i]._id; } } if (utils.isMongooseArray(val) && val.$schema()) { return val.$schema()._castForPopulate(val, val.$parent()); } return [].concat(val); } // `populate('map')` may be an object if populating on a doc that hasn't // been hydrated yet if (getConstructorName(val) === 'Object' && // The intent here is we should only flatten the object if we expect // to get a Map in the end. Avoid doing this for mixed types. (schema == null || schema[schemaMixedSymbol] == null)) { const ret = []; for (const key of Object.keys(val)) { ret.push(val[key]); } return ret; } // If doc has already been hydrated, e.g. `doc.populate('map')` // then `val` will already be a map if (val instanceof Map) { return Array.from(val.values()); } return val; } /*! * ignore */ function _findRefPathForDiscriminators(doc, modelSchema, data, options, normalizedRefPath, ret) { // Re: gh-8452. Embedded discriminators may not have `refPath`, so clear // out embedded discriminator docs that don't have a `refPath` on the // populated path. if (!data.isRefPath || normalizedRefPath == null) { return; } const pieces = normalizedRefPath.split('.'); let cur = ''; let modelNames = void 0; for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; ++i) { const piece = pieces[i]; cur = cur + (cur.length === 0 ? '' : '.') + piece; const schematype = modelSchema.path(cur); if (schematype != null && schematype.$isMongooseArray && schematype.caster.discriminators != null && Object.keys(schematype.caster.discriminators).length !== 0) { const subdocs = utils.getValue(cur, doc); const remnant = options.path.substring(cur.length + 1); const discriminatorKey = schematype.caster.schema.options.discriminatorKey; modelNames = []; for (const subdoc of subdocs) { const discriminatorName = utils.getValue(discriminatorKey, subdoc); const discriminator = schematype.caster.discriminators[discriminatorName]; const discriminatorSchema = discriminator && discriminator.schema; if (discriminatorSchema == null) { continue; } const _path = discriminatorSchema.path(remnant); if (_path == null || _path.options.refPath == null) { const docValue = utils.getValue(data.localField.substring(cur.length + 1), subdoc); ret.forEach((v, i) => { if (v === docValue) { ret[i] = SkipPopulateValue(v); } }); continue; } const modelName = utils.getValue(pieces.slice(i + 1).join('.'), subdoc); modelNames.push(modelName); } } } return modelNames; }