const JsonWebTokenError = require('./lib/JsonWebTokenError'); const NotBeforeError = require('./lib/NotBeforeError'); const TokenExpiredError = require('./lib/TokenExpiredError'); const decode = require('./decode'); const timespan = require('./lib/timespan'); const validateAsymmetricKey = require('./lib/validateAsymmetricKey'); const PS_SUPPORTED = require('./lib/psSupported'); const jws = require('jws'); const {KeyObject, createSecretKey, createPublicKey} = require("crypto"); const PUB_KEY_ALGS = ['RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512']; const EC_KEY_ALGS = ['ES256', 'ES384', 'ES512']; const RSA_KEY_ALGS = ['RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512']; const HS_ALGS = ['HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512']; if (PS_SUPPORTED) { PUB_KEY_ALGS.splice(PUB_KEY_ALGS.length, 0, 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512'); RSA_KEY_ALGS.splice(RSA_KEY_ALGS.length, 0, 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512'); } module.exports = function (jwtString, secretOrPublicKey, options, callback) { if ((typeof options === 'function') && !callback) { callback = options; options = {}; } if (!options) { options = {}; } //clone this object since we are going to mutate it. options = Object.assign({}, options); let done; if (callback) { done = callback; } else { done = function(err, data) { if (err) throw err; return data; }; } if (options.clockTimestamp && typeof options.clockTimestamp !== 'number') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('clockTimestamp must be a number')); } if (options.nonce !== undefined && (typeof options.nonce !== 'string' || options.nonce.trim() === '')) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('nonce must be a non-empty string')); } if (options.allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes !== undefined && typeof options.allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes !== 'boolean') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes must be a boolean')); } const clockTimestamp = options.clockTimestamp || Math.floor( / 1000); if (!jwtString){ return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt must be provided')); } if (typeof jwtString !== 'string') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt must be a string')); } const parts = jwtString.split('.'); if (parts.length !== 3){ return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt malformed')); } let decodedToken; try { decodedToken = decode(jwtString, { complete: true }); } catch(err) { return done(err); } if (!decodedToken) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid token')); } const header = decodedToken.header; let getSecret; if(typeof secretOrPublicKey === 'function') { if(!callback) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('verify must be called asynchronous if secret or public key is provided as a callback')); } getSecret = secretOrPublicKey; } else { getSecret = function(header, secretCallback) { return secretCallback(null, secretOrPublicKey); }; } return getSecret(header, function(err, secretOrPublicKey) { if(err) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('error in secret or public key callback: ' + err.message)); } const hasSignature = parts[2].trim() !== ''; if (!hasSignature && secretOrPublicKey){ return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt signature is required')); } if (hasSignature && !secretOrPublicKey) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('secret or public key must be provided')); } if (!hasSignature && !options.algorithms) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('please specify "none" in "algorithms" to verify unsigned tokens')); } if (secretOrPublicKey != null && !(secretOrPublicKey instanceof KeyObject)) { try { secretOrPublicKey = createPublicKey(secretOrPublicKey); } catch (_) { try { secretOrPublicKey = createSecretKey(typeof secretOrPublicKey === 'string' ? Buffer.from(secretOrPublicKey) : secretOrPublicKey); } catch (_) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('secretOrPublicKey is not valid key material')) } } } if (!options.algorithms) { if (secretOrPublicKey.type === 'secret') { options.algorithms = HS_ALGS; } else if (['rsa', 'rsa-pss'].includes(secretOrPublicKey.asymmetricKeyType)) { options.algorithms = RSA_KEY_ALGS } else if (secretOrPublicKey.asymmetricKeyType === 'ec') { options.algorithms = EC_KEY_ALGS } else { options.algorithms = PUB_KEY_ALGS } } if (options.algorithms.indexOf(decodedToken.header.alg) === -1) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid algorithm')); } if (header.alg.startsWith('HS') && secretOrPublicKey.type !== 'secret') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError((`secretOrPublicKey must be a symmetric key when using ${header.alg}`))) } else if (/^(?:RS|PS|ES)/.test(header.alg) && secretOrPublicKey.type !== 'public') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError((`secretOrPublicKey must be an asymmetric key when using ${header.alg}`))) } if (!options.allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes) { try { validateAsymmetricKey(header.alg, secretOrPublicKey); } catch (e) { return done(e); } } let valid; try { valid = jws.verify(jwtString, decodedToken.header.alg, secretOrPublicKey); } catch (e) { return done(e); } if (!valid) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid signature')); } const payload = decodedToken.payload; if (typeof payload.nbf !== 'undefined' && !options.ignoreNotBefore) { if (typeof payload.nbf !== 'number') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid nbf value')); } if (payload.nbf > clockTimestamp + (options.clockTolerance || 0)) { return done(new NotBeforeError('jwt not active', new Date(payload.nbf * 1000))); } } if (typeof payload.exp !== 'undefined' && !options.ignoreExpiration) { if (typeof payload.exp !== 'number') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid exp value')); } if (clockTimestamp >= payload.exp + (options.clockTolerance || 0)) { return done(new TokenExpiredError('jwt expired', new Date(payload.exp * 1000))); } } if (options.audience) { const audiences = Array.isArray(options.audience) ? options.audience : [options.audience]; const target = Array.isArray(payload.aud) ? payload.aud : [payload.aud]; const match = target.some(function (targetAudience) { return audiences.some(function (audience) { return audience instanceof RegExp ? audience.test(targetAudience) : audience === targetAudience; }); }); if (!match) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt audience invalid. expected: ' + audiences.join(' or '))); } } if (options.issuer) { const invalid_issuer = (typeof options.issuer === 'string' && payload.iss !== options.issuer) || (Array.isArray(options.issuer) && options.issuer.indexOf(payload.iss) === -1); if (invalid_issuer) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt issuer invalid. expected: ' + options.issuer)); } } if (options.subject) { if (payload.sub !== options.subject) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt subject invalid. expected: ' + options.subject)); } } if (options.jwtid) { if (payload.jti !== options.jwtid) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt jwtid invalid. expected: ' + options.jwtid)); } } if (options.nonce) { if (payload.nonce !== options.nonce) { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt nonce invalid. expected: ' + options.nonce)); } } if (options.maxAge) { if (typeof payload.iat !== 'number') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('iat required when maxAge is specified')); } const maxAgeTimestamp = timespan(options.maxAge, payload.iat); if (typeof maxAgeTimestamp === 'undefined') { return done(new JsonWebTokenError('"maxAge" should be a number of seconds or string representing a timespan eg: "1d", "20h", 60')); } if (clockTimestamp >= maxAgeTimestamp + (options.clockTolerance || 0)) { return done(new TokenExpiredError('maxAge exceeded', new Date(maxAgeTimestamp * 1000))); } } if (options.complete === true) { const signature = decodedToken.signature; return done(null, { header: header, payload: payload, signature: signature }); } return done(null, payload); }); };