"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.AggregateOperation = exports.DB_AGGREGATE_COLLECTION = void 0; const error_1 = require("../error"); const utils_1 = require("../utils"); const write_concern_1 = require("../write_concern"); const command_1 = require("./command"); const operation_1 = require("./operation"); /** @internal */ exports.DB_AGGREGATE_COLLECTION = 1; const MIN_WIRE_VERSION_$OUT_READ_CONCERN_SUPPORT = 8; /** @internal */ class AggregateOperation extends command_1.CommandOperation { constructor(ns, pipeline, options) { super(undefined, { ...options, dbName: ns.db }); this.options = { ...options }; // Covers when ns.collection is null, undefined or the empty string, use DB_AGGREGATE_COLLECTION this.target = ns.collection || exports.DB_AGGREGATE_COLLECTION; this.pipeline = pipeline; // determine if we have a write stage, override read preference if so this.hasWriteStage = false; if (typeof options?.out === 'string') { this.pipeline = this.pipeline.concat({ $out: options.out }); this.hasWriteStage = true; } else if (pipeline.length > 0) { const finalStage = pipeline[pipeline.length - 1]; if (finalStage.$out || finalStage.$merge) { this.hasWriteStage = true; } } if (this.hasWriteStage) { this.trySecondaryWrite = true; } else { delete this.options.writeConcern; } if (this.explain && this.writeConcern) { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Option "explain" cannot be used on an aggregate call with writeConcern'); } if (options?.cursor != null && typeof options.cursor !== 'object') { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Cursor options must be an object'); } } get canRetryRead() { return !this.hasWriteStage; } addToPipeline(stage) { this.pipeline.push(stage); } async execute(server, session) { const options = this.options; const serverWireVersion = (0, utils_1.maxWireVersion)(server); const command = { aggregate: this.target, pipeline: this.pipeline }; if (this.hasWriteStage && serverWireVersion < MIN_WIRE_VERSION_$OUT_READ_CONCERN_SUPPORT) { this.readConcern = undefined; } if (this.hasWriteStage && this.writeConcern) { write_concern_1.WriteConcern.apply(command, this.writeConcern); } if (options.bypassDocumentValidation === true) { command.bypassDocumentValidation = options.bypassDocumentValidation; } if (typeof options.allowDiskUse === 'boolean') { command.allowDiskUse = options.allowDiskUse; } if (options.hint) { command.hint = options.hint; } if (options.let) { command.let = options.let; } // we check for undefined specifically here to allow falsy values // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax if (options.comment !== undefined) { command.comment = options.comment; } command.cursor = options.cursor || {}; if (options.batchSize && !this.hasWriteStage) { command.cursor.batchSize = options.batchSize; } return super.executeCommand(server, session, command); } } exports.AggregateOperation = AggregateOperation; (0, operation_1.defineAspects)(AggregateOperation, [ operation_1.Aspect.READ_OPERATION, operation_1.Aspect.RETRYABLE, operation_1.Aspect.EXPLAINABLE, operation_1.Aspect.CURSOR_CREATING ]); //# sourceMappingURL=aggregate.js.map