import { type InspectFn, defaultInspect, isAnyArrayBuffer, isUint8Array } from './parser/utils'; import type { EJSONOptions } from './extended_json'; import { BSONError } from './error'; import { BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW } from './constants'; import { ByteUtils } from './utils/byte_utils'; import { BSONValue } from './bson_value'; /** @public */ export type BinarySequence = Uint8Array | number[]; /** @public */ export interface BinaryExtendedLegacy { $type: string; $binary: string; } /** @public */ export interface BinaryExtended { $binary: { subType: string; base64: string; }; } /** * A class representation of the BSON Binary type. * @public * @category BSONType */ export class Binary extends BSONValue { get _bsontype(): 'Binary' { return 'Binary'; } /** * Binary default subtype * @internal */ private static readonly BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; /** Initial buffer default size */ static readonly BUFFER_SIZE = 256; /** Default BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0; /** Function BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_FUNCTION = 1; /** Byte Array BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY = 2; /** Deprecated UUID BSON type @deprecated Please use SUBTYPE_UUID */ static readonly SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD = 3; /** UUID BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_UUID = 4; /** MD5 BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_MD5 = 5; /** Encrypted BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_ENCRYPTED = 6; /** Column BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_COLUMN = 7; /** User BSON type */ static readonly SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128; buffer!: Uint8Array; sub_type!: number; position!: number; /** * Create a new Binary instance. * @param buffer - a buffer object containing the binary data. * @param subType - the option binary type. */ constructor(buffer?: BinarySequence, subType?: number) { super(); if ( !(buffer == null) && typeof buffer === 'string' && !ArrayBuffer.isView(buffer) && !isAnyArrayBuffer(buffer) && !Array.isArray(buffer) ) { throw new BSONError('Binary can only be constructed from Uint8Array or number[]'); } this.sub_type = subType ?? Binary.BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT; if (buffer == null) { // create an empty binary buffer this.buffer = ByteUtils.allocate(Binary.BUFFER_SIZE); this.position = 0; } else { this.buffer = Array.isArray(buffer) ? ByteUtils.fromNumberArray(buffer) : ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(buffer); this.position = this.buffer.byteLength; } } /** * Updates this binary with byte_value. * * @param byteValue - a single byte we wish to write. */ put(byteValue: string | number | Uint8Array | number[]): void { // If it's a string and a has more than one character throw an error if (typeof byteValue === 'string' && byteValue.length !== 1) { throw new BSONError('only accepts single character String'); } else if (typeof byteValue !== 'number' && byteValue.length !== 1) throw new BSONError('only accepts single character Uint8Array or Array'); // Decode the byte value once let decodedByte: number; if (typeof byteValue === 'string') { decodedByte = byteValue.charCodeAt(0); } else if (typeof byteValue === 'number') { decodedByte = byteValue; } else { decodedByte = byteValue[0]; } if (decodedByte < 0 || decodedByte > 255) { throw new BSONError('only accepts number in a valid unsigned byte range 0-255'); } if (this.buffer.byteLength > this.position) { this.buffer[this.position++] = decodedByte; } else { const newSpace = ByteUtils.allocate(Binary.BUFFER_SIZE + this.buffer.length); newSpace.set(this.buffer, 0); this.buffer = newSpace; this.buffer[this.position++] = decodedByte; } } /** * Writes a buffer to the binary. * * @param sequence - a string or buffer to be written to the Binary BSON object. * @param offset - specify the binary of where to write the content. */ write(sequence: BinarySequence, offset: number): void { offset = typeof offset === 'number' ? offset : this.position; // If the buffer is to small let's extend the buffer if (this.buffer.byteLength < offset + sequence.length) { const newSpace = ByteUtils.allocate(this.buffer.byteLength + sequence.length); newSpace.set(this.buffer, 0); // Assign the new buffer this.buffer = newSpace; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(sequence)) { this.buffer.set(ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(sequence), offset); this.position = offset + sequence.byteLength > this.position ? offset + sequence.length : this.position; } else if (typeof sequence === 'string') { throw new BSONError('input cannot be string'); } } /** * Reads **length** bytes starting at **position**. * * @param position - read from the given position in the Binary. * @param length - the number of bytes to read. */ read(position: number, length: number): BinarySequence { length = length && length > 0 ? length : this.position; // Let's return the data based on the type we have return this.buffer.slice(position, position + length); } /** returns a view of the binary value as a Uint8Array */ value(): Uint8Array { // Optimize to serialize for the situation where the data == size of buffer return this.buffer.length === this.position ? this.buffer : this.buffer.subarray(0, this.position); } /** the length of the binary sequence */ length(): number { return this.position; } toJSON(): string { return ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); } toString(encoding?: 'hex' | 'base64' | 'utf8' | 'utf-8'): string { if (encoding === 'hex') return ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer); if (encoding === 'base64') return ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); if (encoding === 'utf8' || encoding === 'utf-8') return ByteUtils.toUTF8(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.byteLength); return ByteUtils.toUTF8(this.buffer, 0, this.buffer.byteLength); } /** @internal */ toExtendedJSON(options?: EJSONOptions): BinaryExtendedLegacy | BinaryExtended { options = options || {}; const base64String = ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer); const subType = Number(this.sub_type).toString(16); if (options.legacy) { return { $binary: base64String, $type: subType.length === 1 ? '0' + subType : subType }; } return { $binary: { base64: base64String, subType: subType.length === 1 ? '0' + subType : subType } }; } toUUID(): UUID { if (this.sub_type === Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID) { return new UUID(this.buffer.slice(0, this.position)); } throw new BSONError( `Binary sub_type "${this.sub_type}" is not supported for converting to UUID. Only "${Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID}" is currently supported.` ); } /** Creates an Binary instance from a hex digit string */ static createFromHexString(hex: string, subType?: number): Binary { return new Binary(ByteUtils.fromHex(hex), subType); } /** Creates an Binary instance from a base64 string */ static createFromBase64(base64: string, subType?: number): Binary { return new Binary(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64), subType); } /** @internal */ static fromExtendedJSON( doc: BinaryExtendedLegacy | BinaryExtended | UUIDExtended, options?: EJSONOptions ): Binary { options = options || {}; let data: Uint8Array | undefined; let type; if ('$binary' in doc) { if (options.legacy && typeof doc.$binary === 'string' && '$type' in doc) { type = doc.$type ? parseInt(doc.$type, 16) : 0; data = ByteUtils.fromBase64(doc.$binary); } else { if (typeof doc.$binary !== 'string') { type = doc.$binary.subType ? parseInt(doc.$binary.subType, 16) : 0; data = ByteUtils.fromBase64(doc.$binary.base64); } } } else if ('$uuid' in doc) { type = 4; data = UUID.bytesFromString(doc.$uuid); } if (!data) { throw new BSONError(`Unexpected Binary Extended JSON format ${JSON.stringify(doc)}`); } return type === BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW ? new UUID(data) : new Binary(data, type); } inspect(depth?: number, options?: unknown, inspect?: InspectFn): string { inspect ??= defaultInspect; const base64 = ByteUtils.toBase64(this.buffer.subarray(0, this.position)); const base64Arg = inspect(base64, options); const subTypeArg = inspect(this.sub_type, options); return `Binary.createFromBase64(${base64Arg}, ${subTypeArg})`; } } /** @public */ export type UUIDExtended = { $uuid: string; }; const UUID_BYTE_LENGTH = 16; const UUID_WITHOUT_DASHES = /^[0-9A-F]{32}$/i; const UUID_WITH_DASHES = /^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i; /** * A class representation of the BSON UUID type. * @public */ export class UUID extends Binary { /** * Create a UUID type * * When the argument to the constructor is omitted a random v4 UUID will be generated. * * @param input - Can be a 32 or 36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included) or a 16 byte binary Buffer. */ constructor(input?: string | Uint8Array | UUID) { let bytes: Uint8Array; if (input == null) { bytes = UUID.generate(); } else if (input instanceof UUID) { bytes = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(new Uint8Array(input.buffer)); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(input) && input.byteLength === UUID_BYTE_LENGTH) { bytes = ByteUtils.toLocalBufferType(input); } else if (typeof input === 'string') { bytes = UUID.bytesFromString(input); } else { throw new BSONError( 'Argument passed in UUID constructor must be a UUID, a 16 byte Buffer or a 32/36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included, format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).' ); } super(bytes, BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_UUID_NEW); } /** * The UUID bytes * @readonly */ get id(): Uint8Array { return this.buffer; } set id(value: Uint8Array) { this.buffer = value; } /** * Returns the UUID id as a 32 or 36 character hex string representation, excluding/including dashes (defaults to 36 character dash separated) * @param includeDashes - should the string exclude dash-separators. */ toHexString(includeDashes = true): string { if (includeDashes) { return [ ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(0, 4)), ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(4, 6)), ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(6, 8)), ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(8, 10)), ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer.subarray(10, 16)) ].join('-'); } return ByteUtils.toHex(this.buffer); } /** * Converts the id into a 36 character (dashes included) hex string, unless a encoding is specified. */ toString(encoding?: 'hex' | 'base64'): string { if (encoding === 'hex') return ByteUtils.toHex(; if (encoding === 'base64') return ByteUtils.toBase64(; return this.toHexString(); } /** * Converts the id into its JSON string representation. * A 36 character (dashes included) hex string in the format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx */ toJSON(): string { return this.toHexString(); } /** * Compares the equality of this UUID with `otherID`. * * @param otherId - UUID instance to compare against. */ equals(otherId: string | Uint8Array | UUID): boolean { if (!otherId) { return false; } if (otherId instanceof UUID) { return ByteUtils.equals(,; } try { return ByteUtils.equals(new UUID(otherId).id,; } catch { return false; } } /** * Creates a Binary instance from the current UUID. */ toBinary(): Binary { return new Binary(, Binary.SUBTYPE_UUID); } /** * Generates a populated buffer containing a v4 uuid */ static generate(): Uint8Array { const bytes = ByteUtils.randomBytes(UUID_BYTE_LENGTH); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved` // Kindly borrowed from bytes[6] = (bytes[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40; bytes[8] = (bytes[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80; return bytes; } /** * Checks if a value is a valid bson UUID * @param input - UUID, string or Buffer to validate. */ static isValid(input: string | Uint8Array | UUID | Binary): boolean { if (!input) { return false; } if (typeof input === 'string') { return UUID.isValidUUIDString(input); } if (isUint8Array(input)) { return input.byteLength === UUID_BYTE_LENGTH; } return ( input._bsontype === 'Binary' && input.sub_type === this.SUBTYPE_UUID && input.buffer.byteLength === 16 ); } /** * Creates an UUID from a hex string representation of an UUID. * @param hexString - 32 or 36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included). */ static override createFromHexString(hexString: string): UUID { const buffer = UUID.bytesFromString(hexString); return new UUID(buffer); } /** Creates an UUID from a base64 string representation of an UUID. */ static override createFromBase64(base64: string): UUID { return new UUID(ByteUtils.fromBase64(base64)); } /** @internal */ static bytesFromString(representation: string) { if (!UUID.isValidUUIDString(representation)) { throw new BSONError( 'UUID string representation must be 32 hex digits or canonical hyphenated representation' ); } return ByteUtils.fromHex(representation.replace(/-/g, '')); } /** * @internal * * Validates a string to be a hex digit sequence with or without dashes. * The canonical hyphenated representation of a uuid is hex in 8-4-4-4-12 groups. */ static isValidUUIDString(representation: string) { return UUID_WITHOUT_DASHES.test(representation) || UUID_WITH_DASHES.test(representation); } /** * Converts to a string representation of this Id. * * @returns return the 36 character hex string representation. * */ inspect(depth?: number, options?: unknown, inspect?: InspectFn): string { inspect ??= defaultInspect; return `new UUID(${inspect(this.toHexString(), options)})`; } }