'use strict'; var fs = _interopRequireWildcard(require('graceful-fs')); var _jestMatcherUtils = require('jest-matcher-utils'); var _SnapshotResolver = require('./SnapshotResolver'); var _State = _interopRequireDefault(require('./State')); var _plugins = require('./plugins'); var _printSnapshot = require('./printSnapshot'); var utils = _interopRequireWildcard(require('./utils')); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== 'function') return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function')) { return {default: obj}; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var jestExistsFile = global[Symbol.for('jest-native-exists-file')] || fs.existsSync; const DID_NOT_THROW = 'Received function did not throw'; // same as toThrow const NOT_SNAPSHOT_MATCHERS = `Snapshot matchers cannot be used with ${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.BOLD_WEIGHT)('not')}`; const INDENTATION_REGEX = /^([^\S\n]*)\S/m; // Display name in report when matcher fails same as in snapshot file, // but with optional hint argument in bold weight. const printSnapshotName = (concatenatedBlockNames = '', hint = '', count) => { const hasNames = concatenatedBlockNames.length !== 0; const hasHint = hint.length !== 0; return ( 'Snapshot name: `' + (hasNames ? utils.escapeBacktickString(concatenatedBlockNames) : '') + (hasNames && hasHint ? ': ' : '') + (hasHint ? (0, _jestMatcherUtils.BOLD_WEIGHT)(utils.escapeBacktickString(hint)) : '') + ' ' + count + '`' ); }; function stripAddedIndentation(inlineSnapshot) { // Find indentation if exists. const match = inlineSnapshot.match(INDENTATION_REGEX); if (!match || !match[1]) { // No indentation. return inlineSnapshot; } const indentation = match[1]; const lines = inlineSnapshot.split('\n'); if (lines.length <= 2) { // Must be at least 3 lines. return inlineSnapshot; } if (lines[0].trim() !== '' || lines[lines.length - 1].trim() !== '') { // If not blank first and last lines, abort. return inlineSnapshot; } for (let i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) { if (lines[i] !== '') { if (lines[i].indexOf(indentation) !== 0) { // All lines except first and last should either be blank or have the same // indent as the first line (or more). If this isn't the case we don't // want to touch the snapshot at all. return inlineSnapshot; } lines[i] = lines[i].substr(indentation.length); } } // Last line is a special case because it won't have the same indent as others // but may still have been given some indent to line up. lines[lines.length - 1] = ''; // Return inline snapshot, now at indent 0. inlineSnapshot = lines.join('\n'); return inlineSnapshot; } const fileExists = (filePath, hasteFS) => hasteFS.exists(filePath) || jestExistsFile(filePath); const cleanup = (hasteFS, update, snapshotResolver, testPathIgnorePatterns) => { const pattern = '\\.' + _SnapshotResolver.EXTENSION + '$'; const files = hasteFS.matchFiles(pattern); let testIgnorePatternsRegex = null; if (testPathIgnorePatterns && testPathIgnorePatterns.length > 0) { testIgnorePatternsRegex = new RegExp(testPathIgnorePatterns.join('|')); } const list = files.filter(snapshotFile => { const testPath = snapshotResolver.resolveTestPath(snapshotFile); // ignore snapshots of ignored tests if (testIgnorePatternsRegex && testIgnorePatternsRegex.test(testPath)) { return false; } if (!fileExists(testPath, hasteFS)) { if (update === 'all') { fs.unlinkSync(snapshotFile); } return true; } return false; }); return { filesRemoved: list.length, filesRemovedList: list }; }; const toMatchSnapshot = function (received, propertiesOrHint, hint) { const matcherName = 'toMatchSnapshot'; let properties; const length = arguments.length; if (length === 2 && typeof propertiesOrHint === 'string') { hint = propertiesOrHint; } else if (length >= 2) { if (typeof propertiesOrHint !== 'object' || propertiesOrHint === null) { const options = { isNot: this.isNot, promise: this.promise }; let printedWithType = (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)( 'Expected properties', propertiesOrHint, _printSnapshot.printExpected ); if (length === 3) { options.secondArgument = 'hint'; options.secondArgumentColor = _jestMatcherUtils.BOLD_WEIGHT; if (propertiesOrHint == null) { printedWithType += `\n\nTo provide a hint without properties: toMatchSnapshot('hint')`; } } throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherHint)( matcherName, undefined, _printSnapshot.PROPERTIES_ARG, options ), `Expected ${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR)( 'properties' )} must be an object`, printedWithType ) ); } // Future breaking change: Snapshot hint must be a string // if (arguments.length === 3 && typeof hint !== 'string') {} properties = propertiesOrHint; } return _toMatchSnapshot({ context: this, hint, isInline: false, matcherName, properties, received }); }; const toMatchInlineSnapshot = function ( received, propertiesOrSnapshot, inlineSnapshot ) { const matcherName = 'toMatchInlineSnapshot'; let properties; const length = arguments.length; if (length === 2 && typeof propertiesOrSnapshot === 'string') { inlineSnapshot = propertiesOrSnapshot; } else if (length >= 2) { const options = { isNot: this.isNot, promise: this.promise }; if (length === 3) { options.secondArgument = _printSnapshot.SNAPSHOT_ARG; options.secondArgumentColor = _printSnapshot.noColor; } if ( typeof propertiesOrSnapshot !== 'object' || propertiesOrSnapshot === null ) { throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherHint)( matcherName, undefined, _printSnapshot.PROPERTIES_ARG, options ), `Expected ${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR)( 'properties' )} must be an object`, (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)( 'Expected properties', propertiesOrSnapshot, _printSnapshot.printExpected ) ) ); } if (length === 3 && typeof inlineSnapshot !== 'string') { throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherHint)( matcherName, undefined, _printSnapshot.PROPERTIES_ARG, options ), `Inline snapshot must be a string`, (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)( 'Inline snapshot', inlineSnapshot, utils.serialize ) ) ); } properties = propertiesOrSnapshot; } return _toMatchSnapshot({ context: this, inlineSnapshot: inlineSnapshot !== undefined ? stripAddedIndentation(inlineSnapshot) : undefined, isInline: true, matcherName, properties, received }); }; const _toMatchSnapshot = config => { const { context, hint, inlineSnapshot, isInline, matcherName, properties } = config; let {received} = config; context.dontThrow && context.dontThrow(); const {currentTestName, isNot, snapshotState} = context; if (isNot) { throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, false), NOT_SNAPSHOT_MATCHERS ) ); } if (snapshotState == null) { // Because the state is the problem, this is not a matcher error. // Call generic stringify from jest-matcher-utils package // because uninitialized snapshot state does not need snapshot serializers. throw new Error( (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, false) + '\n\n' + `Snapshot state must be initialized` + '\n\n' + (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)( 'Snapshot state', snapshotState, _jestMatcherUtils.stringify ) ); } const fullTestName = currentTestName && hint ? `${currentTestName}: ${hint}` : currentTestName || ''; // future BREAKING change: || hint if (typeof properties === 'object') { if (typeof received !== 'object' || received === null) { throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, false), `${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.RECEIVED_COLOR)( 'received' )} value must be an object when the matcher has ${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR)('properties')}`, (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)( 'Received', received, _printSnapshot.printReceived ) ) ); } const propertyPass = context.equals(received, properties, [ context.utils.iterableEquality, context.utils.subsetEquality ]); if (!propertyPass) { const key = snapshotState.fail(fullTestName, received); const matched = /(\d+)$/.exec(key); const count = matched === null ? 1 : Number(matched[1]); const message = () => (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, false) + '\n\n' + printSnapshotName(currentTestName, hint, count) + '\n\n' + (0, _printSnapshot.printPropertiesAndReceived)( properties, received, snapshotState.expand ); return { message, name: matcherName, pass: false }; } else { received = utils.deepMerge(received, properties); } } const result = snapshotState.match({ error: context.error, inlineSnapshot, isInline, received, testName: fullTestName }); const {actual, count, expected, pass} = result; if (pass) { return { message: () => '', pass: true }; } const message = expected === undefined ? () => (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, true) + '\n\n' + printSnapshotName(currentTestName, hint, count) + '\n\n' + `New snapshot was ${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.BOLD_WEIGHT)( 'not written' )}. The update flag ` + `must be explicitly passed to write a new snapshot.\n\n` + `This is likely because this test is run in a continuous integration ` + `(CI) environment in which snapshots are not written by default.\n\n` + `Received:${actual.includes('\n') ? '\n' : ' '}${(0, _printSnapshot.bReceivedColor)(actual)}` : () => (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, true) + '\n\n' + printSnapshotName(currentTestName, hint, count) + '\n\n' + (0, _printSnapshot.printSnapshotAndReceived)( expected, actual, received, snapshotState.expand ); // Passing the actual and expected objects so that a custom reporter // could access them, for example in order to display a custom visual diff, // or create a different error message return { actual, expected, message, name: matcherName, pass: false }; }; const toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot = function ( received, hint, // because error TS1016 for hint?: string fromPromise ) { const matcherName = 'toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot'; // Future breaking change: Snapshot hint must be a string // if (hint !== undefined && typeof hint !== string) {} return _toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot( { context: this, hint, isInline: false, matcherName, received }, fromPromise ); }; const toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot = function ( received, inlineSnapshot, fromPromise ) { const matcherName = 'toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot'; if (inlineSnapshot !== undefined && typeof inlineSnapshot !== 'string') { const options = { expectedColor: _printSnapshot.noColor, isNot: this.isNot, promise: this.promise }; throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherHint)( matcherName, undefined, _printSnapshot.SNAPSHOT_ARG, options ), `Inline snapshot must be a string`, (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)( 'Inline snapshot', inlineSnapshot, utils.serialize ) ) ); } return _toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot( { context: this, inlineSnapshot: inlineSnapshot !== undefined ? stripAddedIndentation(inlineSnapshot) : undefined, isInline: true, matcherName, received }, fromPromise ); }; const _toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot = (config, fromPromise) => { const { context, hint, inlineSnapshot, isInline, matcherName, received } = config; context.dontThrow && context.dontThrow(); const {isNot, promise} = context; if (!fromPromise) { if (typeof received !== 'function') { const options = { isNot, promise }; throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherHint)( matcherName, undefined, '', options ), `${(0, _jestMatcherUtils.RECEIVED_COLOR)( 'received' )} value must be a function`, (0, _jestMatcherUtils.printWithType)( 'Received', received, _printSnapshot.printReceived ) ) ); } } if (isNot) { throw new Error( (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherErrorMessage)( (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, false), NOT_SNAPSHOT_MATCHERS ) ); } let error; if (fromPromise) { error = received; } else { try { received(); } catch (e) { error = e; } } if (error === undefined) { // Because the received value is a function, this is not a matcher error. throw new Error( (0, _printSnapshot.matcherHintFromConfig)(config, false) + '\n\n' + DID_NOT_THROW ); } return _toMatchSnapshot({ context, hint, inlineSnapshot, isInline, matcherName, received: error.message }); }; const JestSnapshot = { EXTENSION: _SnapshotResolver.EXTENSION, SnapshotState: _State.default, addSerializer: _plugins.addSerializer, buildSnapshotResolver: _SnapshotResolver.buildSnapshotResolver, cleanup, getSerializers: _plugins.getSerializers, isSnapshotPath: _SnapshotResolver.isSnapshotPath, toMatchInlineSnapshot, toMatchSnapshot, toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot, toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot, utils }; module.exports = JestSnapshot;