'use strict'; function _child_process() { const data = require('child_process'); _child_process = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _crypto() { const data = require('crypto'); _crypto = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _events() { const data = require('events'); _events = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _os() { const data = require('os'); _os = function () { return data; }; return data; } function path() { const data = _interopRequireWildcard(require('path')); path = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _sane() { const data = require('sane'); _sane = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestRegexUtil() { const data = require('jest-regex-util'); _jestRegexUtil = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestSerializer() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-serializer')); _jestSerializer = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _jestWorker() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-worker')); _jestWorker = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _HasteFS = _interopRequireDefault(require('./HasteFS')); var _ModuleMap = _interopRequireDefault(require('./ModuleMap')); var _constants = _interopRequireDefault(require('./constants')); var _node = _interopRequireDefault(require('./crawlers/node')); var _watchman = _interopRequireDefault(require('./crawlers/watchman')); var _getMockName = _interopRequireDefault(require('./getMockName')); var _FSEventsWatcher = _interopRequireDefault(require('./lib/FSEventsWatcher')); var _WatchmanWatcher = _interopRequireDefault(require('./lib/WatchmanWatcher')); var fastPath = _interopRequireWildcard(require('./lib/fast_path')); var _getPlatformExtension = _interopRequireDefault( require('./lib/getPlatformExtension') ); var _normalizePathSep = _interopRequireDefault( require('./lib/normalizePathSep') ); var _worker = require('./worker'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== 'function') return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function')) { return {default: obj}; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } // TypeScript doesn't like us importing from outside `rootDir`, but it doesn't // understand `require`. const {version: VERSION} = require('../package.json'); const CHANGE_INTERVAL = 30; const MAX_WAIT_TIME = 240000; const NODE_MODULES = path().sep + 'node_modules' + path().sep; const PACKAGE_JSON = path().sep + 'package.json'; const VCS_DIRECTORIES = ['.git', '.hg'] .map(vcs => (0, _jestRegexUtil().escapePathForRegex)(path().sep + vcs + path().sep) ) .join('|'); const canUseWatchman = (() => { try { (0, _child_process().execSync)('watchman --version', { stdio: ['ignore'] }); return true; } catch {} return false; })(); function invariant(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } } /** * HasteMap is a JavaScript implementation of Facebook's haste module system. * * This implementation is inspired by https://github.com/facebook/node-haste * and was built with for high-performance in large code repositories with * hundreds of thousands of files. This implementation is scalable and provides * predictable performance. * * Because the haste map creation and synchronization is critical to startup * performance and most tasks are blocked by I/O this class makes heavy use of * synchronous operations. It uses worker processes for parallelizing file * access and metadata extraction. * * The data structures created by `jest-haste-map` can be used directly from the * cache without further processing. The metadata objects in the `files` and * `map` objects contain cross-references: a metadata object from one can look * up the corresponding metadata object in the other map. Note that in most * projects, the number of files will be greater than the number of haste * modules one module can refer to many files based on platform extensions. * * type HasteMap = { * clocks: WatchmanClocks, * files: {[filepath: string]: FileMetaData}, * map: {[id: string]: ModuleMapItem}, * mocks: {[id: string]: string}, * } * * // Watchman clocks are used for query synchronization and file system deltas. * type WatchmanClocks = {[filepath: string]: string}; * * type FileMetaData = { * id: ?string, // used to look up module metadata objects in `map`. * mtime: number, // check for outdated files. * size: number, // size of the file in bytes. * visited: boolean, // whether the file has been parsed or not. * dependencies: Array, // all relative dependencies of this file. * sha1: ?string, // SHA-1 of the file, if requested via options. * }; * * // Modules can be targeted to a specific platform based on the file name. * // Example: platform.ios.js and Platform.android.js will both map to the same * // `Platform` module. The platform should be specified during resolution. * type ModuleMapItem = {[platform: string]: ModuleMetaData}; * * // * type ModuleMetaData = { * path: string, // the path to look up the file object in `files`. * type: string, // the module type (either `package` or `module`). * }; * * Note that the data structures described above are conceptual only. The actual * implementation uses arrays and constant keys for metadata storage. Instead of * `{id: 'flatMap', mtime: 3421, size: 42, visited: true, dependencies: []}` the real * representation is similar to `['flatMap', 3421, 42, 1, []]` to save storage space * and reduce parse and write time of a big JSON blob. * * The HasteMap is created as follows: * 1. read data from the cache or create an empty structure. * * 2. crawl the file system. * * empty cache: crawl the entire file system. * * cache available: * * if watchman is available: get file system delta changes. * * if watchman is unavailable: crawl the entire file system. * * build metadata objects for every file. This builds the `files` part of * the `HasteMap`. * * 3. parse and extract metadata from changed files. * * this is done in parallel over worker processes to improve performance. * * the worst case is to parse all files. * * the best case is no file system access and retrieving all data from * the cache. * * the average case is a small number of changed files. * * 4. serialize the new `HasteMap` in a cache file. * Worker processes can directly access the cache through `HasteMap.read()`. * */ class HasteMap extends _events().EventEmitter { constructor(options) { super(); _defineProperty(this, '_buildPromise', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_cachePath', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_changeInterval', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_console', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_options', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_watchers', void 0); _defineProperty(this, '_worker', void 0); this._options = { cacheDirectory: options.cacheDirectory || (0, _os().tmpdir)(), computeDependencies: options.computeDependencies === undefined ? true : options.computeDependencies, computeSha1: options.computeSha1 || false, dependencyExtractor: options.dependencyExtractor || null, extensions: options.extensions, forceNodeFilesystemAPI: !!options.forceNodeFilesystemAPI, hasteImplModulePath: options.hasteImplModulePath, maxWorkers: options.maxWorkers, mocksPattern: options.mocksPattern ? new RegExp(options.mocksPattern) : null, name: options.name, platforms: options.platforms, resetCache: options.resetCache, retainAllFiles: options.retainAllFiles, rootDir: options.rootDir, roots: Array.from(new Set(options.roots)), skipPackageJson: !!options.skipPackageJson, throwOnModuleCollision: !!options.throwOnModuleCollision, useWatchman: options.useWatchman == null ? true : options.useWatchman, watch: !!options.watch }; this._console = options.console || global.console; if (options.ignorePattern) { if (options.ignorePattern instanceof RegExp) { this._options.ignorePattern = new RegExp( options.ignorePattern.source.concat('|' + VCS_DIRECTORIES), options.ignorePattern.flags ); } else { const ignorePattern = options.ignorePattern; const vcsIgnoreRegExp = new RegExp(VCS_DIRECTORIES); this._options.ignorePattern = filePath => vcsIgnoreRegExp.test(filePath) || ignorePattern(filePath); this._console.warn( 'jest-haste-map: the `ignorePattern` options as a function is being ' + 'deprecated. Provide a RegExp instead. See https://github.com/facebook/jest/pull/4063.' ); } } else { this._options.ignorePattern = new RegExp(VCS_DIRECTORIES); } const rootDirHash = (0, _crypto().createHash)('md5') .update(options.rootDir) .digest('hex'); let hasteImplHash = ''; let dependencyExtractorHash = ''; if (options.hasteImplModulePath) { const hasteImpl = require(options.hasteImplModulePath); if (hasteImpl.getCacheKey) { hasteImplHash = String(hasteImpl.getCacheKey()); } } if (options.dependencyExtractor) { const dependencyExtractor = require(options.dependencyExtractor); if (dependencyExtractor.getCacheKey) { dependencyExtractorHash = String(dependencyExtractor.getCacheKey()); } } this._cachePath = HasteMap.getCacheFilePath( this._options.cacheDirectory, `haste-map-${this._options.name}-${rootDirHash}`, VERSION, this._options.name, this._options.roots .map(root => fastPath.relative(options.rootDir, root)) .join(':'), this._options.extensions.join(':'), this._options.platforms.join(':'), this._options.computeSha1.toString(), options.mocksPattern || '', (options.ignorePattern || '').toString(), hasteImplHash, dependencyExtractorHash ); this._buildPromise = null; this._watchers = []; this._worker = null; } static getCacheFilePath(tmpdir, name, ...extra) { const hash = (0, _crypto().createHash)('md5').update(extra.join('')); return path().join( tmpdir, name.replace(/\W/g, '-') + '-' + hash.digest('hex') ); } getCacheFilePath() { return this._cachePath; } build() { if (!this._buildPromise) { this._buildPromise = (async () => { const data = await this._buildFileMap(); // Persist when we don't know if files changed (changedFiles undefined) // or when we know a file was changed or deleted. let hasteMap; if ( data.changedFiles === undefined || data.changedFiles.size > 0 || data.removedFiles.size > 0 ) { hasteMap = await this._buildHasteMap(data); this._persist(hasteMap); } else { hasteMap = data.hasteMap; } const rootDir = this._options.rootDir; const hasteFS = new _HasteFS.default({ files: hasteMap.files, rootDir }); const moduleMap = new _ModuleMap.default({ duplicates: hasteMap.duplicates, map: hasteMap.map, mocks: hasteMap.mocks, rootDir }); const __hasteMapForTest = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' && hasteMap) || null; await this._watch(hasteMap); return { __hasteMapForTest, hasteFS, moduleMap }; })(); } return this._buildPromise; } /** * 1. read data from the cache or create an empty structure. */ read() { let hasteMap; try { hasteMap = _jestSerializer().default.readFileSync(this._cachePath); } catch { hasteMap = this._createEmptyMap(); } return hasteMap; } readModuleMap() { const data = this.read(); return new _ModuleMap.default({ duplicates: data.duplicates, map: data.map, mocks: data.mocks, rootDir: this._options.rootDir }); } /** * 2. crawl the file system. */ async _buildFileMap() { let hasteMap; try { const read = this._options.resetCache ? this._createEmptyMap : this.read; hasteMap = await read.call(this); } catch { hasteMap = this._createEmptyMap(); } return this._crawl(hasteMap); } /** * 3. parse and extract metadata from changed files. */ _processFile(hasteMap, map, mocks, filePath, workerOptions) { const rootDir = this._options.rootDir; const setModule = (id, module) => { let moduleMap = map.get(id); if (!moduleMap) { moduleMap = Object.create(null); map.set(id, moduleMap); } const platform = (0, _getPlatformExtension.default)( module[_constants.default.PATH], this._options.platforms ) || _constants.default.GENERIC_PLATFORM; const existingModule = moduleMap[platform]; if ( existingModule && existingModule[_constants.default.PATH] !== module[_constants.default.PATH] ) { const method = this._options.throwOnModuleCollision ? 'error' : 'warn'; this._console[method]( [ 'jest-haste-map: Haste module naming collision: ' + id, ' The following files share their name; please adjust your hasteImpl:', ' * ' + path().sep + existingModule[_constants.default.PATH], ' * ' + path().sep + module[_constants.default.PATH], '' ].join('\n') ); if (this._options.throwOnModuleCollision) { throw new DuplicateError( existingModule[_constants.default.PATH], module[_constants.default.PATH] ); } // We do NOT want consumers to use a module that is ambiguous. delete moduleMap[platform]; if (Object.keys(moduleMap).length === 1) { map.delete(id); } let dupsByPlatform = hasteMap.duplicates.get(id); if (dupsByPlatform == null) { dupsByPlatform = new Map(); hasteMap.duplicates.set(id, dupsByPlatform); } const dups = new Map([ [module[_constants.default.PATH], module[_constants.default.TYPE]], [ existingModule[_constants.default.PATH], existingModule[_constants.default.TYPE] ] ]); dupsByPlatform.set(platform, dups); return; } const dupsByPlatform = hasteMap.duplicates.get(id); if (dupsByPlatform != null) { const dups = dupsByPlatform.get(platform); if (dups != null) { dups.set( module[_constants.default.PATH], module[_constants.default.TYPE] ); } return; } moduleMap[platform] = module; }; const relativeFilePath = fastPath.relative(rootDir, filePath); const fileMetadata = hasteMap.files.get(relativeFilePath); if (!fileMetadata) { throw new Error( 'jest-haste-map: File to process was not found in the haste map.' ); } const moduleMetadata = hasteMap.map.get( fileMetadata[_constants.default.ID] ); const computeSha1 = this._options.computeSha1 && !fileMetadata[_constants.default.SHA1]; // Callback called when the response from the worker is successful. const workerReply = metadata => { // `1` for truthy values instead of `true` to save cache space. fileMetadata[_constants.default.VISITED] = 1; const metadataId = metadata.id; const metadataModule = metadata.module; if (metadataId && metadataModule) { fileMetadata[_constants.default.ID] = metadataId; setModule(metadataId, metadataModule); } fileMetadata[_constants.default.DEPENDENCIES] = metadata.dependencies ? metadata.dependencies.join(_constants.default.DEPENDENCY_DELIM) : ''; if (computeSha1) { fileMetadata[_constants.default.SHA1] = metadata.sha1; } }; // Callback called when the response from the worker is an error. const workerError = error => { if (typeof error !== 'object' || !error.message || !error.stack) { error = new Error(error); error.stack = ''; // Remove stack for stack-less errors. } if (!['ENOENT', 'EACCES'].includes(error.code)) { throw error; } // If a file cannot be read we remove it from the file list and // ignore the failure silently. hasteMap.files.delete(relativeFilePath); }; // If we retain all files in the virtual HasteFS representation, we avoid // reading them if they aren't important (node_modules). if (this._options.retainAllFiles && filePath.includes(NODE_MODULES)) { if (computeSha1) { return this._getWorker(workerOptions) .getSha1({ computeDependencies: this._options.computeDependencies, computeSha1, dependencyExtractor: this._options.dependencyExtractor, filePath, hasteImplModulePath: this._options.hasteImplModulePath, rootDir }) .then(workerReply, workerError); } return null; } if ( this._options.mocksPattern && this._options.mocksPattern.test(filePath) ) { const mockPath = (0, _getMockName.default)(filePath); const existingMockPath = mocks.get(mockPath); if (existingMockPath) { const secondMockPath = fastPath.relative(rootDir, filePath); if (existingMockPath !== secondMockPath) { const method = this._options.throwOnModuleCollision ? 'error' : 'warn'; this._console[method]( [ 'jest-haste-map: duplicate manual mock found: ' + mockPath, ' The following files share their name; please delete one of them:', ' * ' + path().sep + existingMockPath, ' * ' + path().sep + secondMockPath, '' ].join('\n') ); if (this._options.throwOnModuleCollision) { throw new DuplicateError(existingMockPath, secondMockPath); } } } mocks.set(mockPath, relativeFilePath); } if (fileMetadata[_constants.default.VISITED]) { if (!fileMetadata[_constants.default.ID]) { return null; } if (moduleMetadata != null) { const platform = (0, _getPlatformExtension.default)( filePath, this._options.platforms ) || _constants.default.GENERIC_PLATFORM; const module = moduleMetadata[platform]; if (module == null) { return null; } const moduleId = fileMetadata[_constants.default.ID]; let modulesByPlatform = map.get(moduleId); if (!modulesByPlatform) { modulesByPlatform = Object.create(null); map.set(moduleId, modulesByPlatform); } modulesByPlatform[platform] = module; return null; } } return this._getWorker(workerOptions) .worker({ computeDependencies: this._options.computeDependencies, computeSha1, dependencyExtractor: this._options.dependencyExtractor, filePath, hasteImplModulePath: this._options.hasteImplModulePath, rootDir }) .then(workerReply, workerError); } _buildHasteMap(data) { const {removedFiles, changedFiles, hasteMap} = data; // If any files were removed or we did not track what files changed, process // every file looking for changes. Otherwise, process only changed files. let map; let mocks; let filesToProcess; if (changedFiles === undefined || removedFiles.size) { map = new Map(); mocks = new Map(); filesToProcess = hasteMap.files; } else { map = hasteMap.map; mocks = hasteMap.mocks; filesToProcess = changedFiles; } for (const [relativeFilePath, fileMetadata] of removedFiles) { this._recoverDuplicates( hasteMap, relativeFilePath, fileMetadata[_constants.default.ID] ); } const promises = []; for (const relativeFilePath of filesToProcess.keys()) { if ( this._options.skipPackageJson && relativeFilePath.endsWith(PACKAGE_JSON) ) { continue; } // SHA-1, if requested, should already be present thanks to the crawler. const filePath = fastPath.resolve( this._options.rootDir, relativeFilePath ); const promise = this._processFile(hasteMap, map, mocks, filePath); if (promise) { promises.push(promise); } } return Promise.all(promises).then( () => { this._cleanup(); hasteMap.map = map; hasteMap.mocks = mocks; return hasteMap; }, error => { this._cleanup(); throw error; } ); } _cleanup() { const worker = this._worker; // @ts-expect-error if (worker && typeof worker.end === 'function') { // @ts-expect-error worker.end(); } this._worker = null; } /** * 4. serialize the new `HasteMap` in a cache file. */ _persist(hasteMap) { _jestSerializer().default.writeFileSync(this._cachePath, hasteMap); } /** * Creates workers or parses files and extracts metadata in-process. */ _getWorker(options) { if (!this._worker) { if ((options && options.forceInBand) || this._options.maxWorkers <= 1) { this._worker = { getSha1: _worker.getSha1, worker: _worker.worker }; } else { // @ts-expect-error: assignment of a worker with custom properties. this._worker = new (_jestWorker().default)( require.resolve('./worker'), { exposedMethods: ['getSha1', 'worker'], maxRetries: 3, numWorkers: this._options.maxWorkers } ); } } return this._worker; } _crawl(hasteMap) { const options = this._options; const ignore = this._ignore.bind(this); const crawl = canUseWatchman && this._options.useWatchman ? _watchman.default : _node.default; const crawlerOptions = { computeSha1: options.computeSha1, data: hasteMap, extensions: options.extensions, forceNodeFilesystemAPI: options.forceNodeFilesystemAPI, ignore, rootDir: options.rootDir, roots: options.roots }; const retry = error => { if (crawl === _watchman.default) { this._console.warn( `jest-haste-map: Watchman crawl failed. Retrying once with node ` + `crawler.\n` + ` Usually this happens when watchman isn't running. Create an ` + `empty \`.watchmanconfig\` file in your project's root folder or ` + `initialize a git or hg repository in your project.\n` + ` ` + error ); return (0, _node.default)(crawlerOptions).catch(e => { throw new Error( `Crawler retry failed:\n` + ` Original error: ${error.message}\n` + ` Retry error: ${e.message}\n` ); }); } throw error; }; try { return crawl(crawlerOptions).catch(retry); } catch (error) { return retry(error); } } /** * Watch mode */ _watch(hasteMap) { if (!this._options.watch) { return Promise.resolve(); } // In watch mode, we'll only warn about module collisions and we'll retain // all files, even changes to node_modules. this._options.throwOnModuleCollision = false; this._options.retainAllFiles = true; // WatchmanWatcher > FSEventsWatcher > sane.NodeWatcher const Watcher = canUseWatchman && this._options.useWatchman ? _WatchmanWatcher.default : _FSEventsWatcher.default.isSupported() ? _FSEventsWatcher.default : _sane().NodeWatcher; const extensions = this._options.extensions; const ignorePattern = this._options.ignorePattern; const rootDir = this._options.rootDir; let changeQueue = Promise.resolve(); let eventsQueue = []; // We only need to copy the entire haste map once on every "frame". let mustCopy = true; const createWatcher = root => { // @ts-expect-error: TODO how? "Cannot use 'new' with an expression whose type lacks a call or construct signature." const watcher = new Watcher(root, { dot: true, glob: extensions.map(extension => '**/*.' + extension), ignored: ignorePattern }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rejectTimeout = setTimeout( () => reject(new Error('Failed to start watch mode.')), MAX_WAIT_TIME ); watcher.once('ready', () => { clearTimeout(rejectTimeout); watcher.on('all', onChange); resolve(watcher); }); }); }; const emitChange = () => { if (eventsQueue.length) { mustCopy = true; const changeEvent = { eventsQueue, hasteFS: new _HasteFS.default({ files: hasteMap.files, rootDir }), moduleMap: new _ModuleMap.default({ duplicates: hasteMap.duplicates, map: hasteMap.map, mocks: hasteMap.mocks, rootDir }) }; this.emit('change', changeEvent); eventsQueue = []; } }; const onChange = (type, filePath, root, stat) => { filePath = path().join(root, (0, _normalizePathSep.default)(filePath)); if ( (stat && stat.isDirectory()) || this._ignore(filePath) || !extensions.some(extension => filePath.endsWith(extension)) ) { return; } const relativeFilePath = fastPath.relative(rootDir, filePath); const fileMetadata = hasteMap.files.get(relativeFilePath); // The file has been accessed, not modified if ( type === 'change' && fileMetadata && stat && fileMetadata[_constants.default.MTIME] === stat.mtime.getTime() ) { return; } changeQueue = changeQueue .then(() => { // If we get duplicate events for the same file, ignore them. if ( eventsQueue.find( event => event.type === type && event.filePath === filePath && ((!event.stat && !stat) || (!!event.stat && !!stat && event.stat.mtime.getTime() === stat.mtime.getTime())) ) ) { return null; } if (mustCopy) { mustCopy = false; hasteMap = { clocks: new Map(hasteMap.clocks), duplicates: new Map(hasteMap.duplicates), files: new Map(hasteMap.files), map: new Map(hasteMap.map), mocks: new Map(hasteMap.mocks) }; } const add = () => { eventsQueue.push({ filePath, stat, type }); return null; }; const fileMetadata = hasteMap.files.get(relativeFilePath); // If it's not an addition, delete the file and all its metadata if (fileMetadata != null) { const moduleName = fileMetadata[_constants.default.ID]; const platform = (0, _getPlatformExtension.default)( filePath, this._options.platforms ) || _constants.default.GENERIC_PLATFORM; hasteMap.files.delete(relativeFilePath); let moduleMap = hasteMap.map.get(moduleName); if (moduleMap != null) { // We are forced to copy the object because jest-haste-map exposes // the map as an immutable entity. moduleMap = copy(moduleMap); delete moduleMap[platform]; if (Object.keys(moduleMap).length === 0) { hasteMap.map.delete(moduleName); } else { hasteMap.map.set(moduleName, moduleMap); } } if ( this._options.mocksPattern && this._options.mocksPattern.test(filePath) ) { const mockName = (0, _getMockName.default)(filePath); hasteMap.mocks.delete(mockName); } this._recoverDuplicates(hasteMap, relativeFilePath, moduleName); } // If the file was added or changed, // parse it and update the haste map. if (type === 'add' || type === 'change') { invariant( stat, 'since the file exists or changed, it should have stats' ); const fileMetadata = [ '', stat.mtime.getTime(), stat.size, 0, '', null ]; hasteMap.files.set(relativeFilePath, fileMetadata); const promise = this._processFile( hasteMap, hasteMap.map, hasteMap.mocks, filePath, { forceInBand: true } ); // Cleanup this._cleanup(); if (promise) { return promise.then(add); } else { // If a file in node_modules has changed, // emit an event regardless. add(); } } else { add(); } return null; }) .catch(error => { this._console.error( `jest-haste-map: watch error:\n ${error.stack}\n` ); }); }; this._changeInterval = setInterval(emitChange, CHANGE_INTERVAL); return Promise.all(this._options.roots.map(createWatcher)).then( watchers => { this._watchers = watchers; } ); } /** * This function should be called when the file under `filePath` is removed * or changed. When that happens, we want to figure out if that file was * part of a group of files that had the same ID. If it was, we want to * remove it from the group. Furthermore, if there is only one file * remaining in the group, then we want to restore that single file as the * correct resolution for its ID, and cleanup the duplicates index. */ _recoverDuplicates(hasteMap, relativeFilePath, moduleName) { let dupsByPlatform = hasteMap.duplicates.get(moduleName); if (dupsByPlatform == null) { return; } const platform = (0, _getPlatformExtension.default)( relativeFilePath, this._options.platforms ) || _constants.default.GENERIC_PLATFORM; let dups = dupsByPlatform.get(platform); if (dups == null) { return; } dupsByPlatform = copyMap(dupsByPlatform); hasteMap.duplicates.set(moduleName, dupsByPlatform); dups = copyMap(dups); dupsByPlatform.set(platform, dups); dups.delete(relativeFilePath); if (dups.size !== 1) { return; } const uniqueModule = dups.entries().next().value; if (!uniqueModule) { return; } let dedupMap = hasteMap.map.get(moduleName); if (dedupMap == null) { dedupMap = Object.create(null); hasteMap.map.set(moduleName, dedupMap); } dedupMap[platform] = uniqueModule; dupsByPlatform.delete(platform); if (dupsByPlatform.size === 0) { hasteMap.duplicates.delete(moduleName); } } end() { // @ts-expect-error: TODO TS cannot decide if `setInterval` and `clearInterval` comes from NodeJS or the DOM clearInterval(this._changeInterval); if (!this._watchers.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.all( this._watchers.map( watcher => new Promise(resolve => watcher.close(resolve)) ) ).then(() => { this._watchers = []; }); } /** * Helpers */ _ignore(filePath) { const ignorePattern = this._options.ignorePattern; const ignoreMatched = ignorePattern instanceof RegExp ? ignorePattern.test(filePath) : ignorePattern && ignorePattern(filePath); return ( ignoreMatched || (!this._options.retainAllFiles && filePath.includes(NODE_MODULES)) ); } _createEmptyMap() { return { clocks: new Map(), duplicates: new Map(), files: new Map(), map: new Map(), mocks: new Map() }; } } _defineProperty(HasteMap, 'H', void 0); _defineProperty(HasteMap, 'DuplicateError', void 0); _defineProperty(HasteMap, 'ModuleMap', void 0); class DuplicateError extends Error { constructor(mockPath1, mockPath2) { super('Duplicated files or mocks. Please check the console for more info'); _defineProperty(this, 'mockPath1', void 0); _defineProperty(this, 'mockPath2', void 0); this.mockPath1 = mockPath1; this.mockPath2 = mockPath2; } } function copy(object) { return Object.assign(Object.create(null), object); } function copyMap(input) { return new Map(input); } HasteMap.H = _constants.default; HasteMap.DuplicateError = DuplicateError; HasteMap.ModuleMap = _ModuleMap.default; module.exports = HasteMap;