/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import type { Config } from '@jest/types'; export declare function check(argv: Config.Argv): true; export declare const usage = "Usage: $0 [--config=] [TestPathPattern]"; export declare const docs = "Documentation: https://jestjs.io/"; export declare const options: { readonly all: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly automock: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Automock all files by default."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly bail: { readonly alias: "b"; readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Exit the test suite immediately after `n` number of failing tests."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly browser: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly cache: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly cacheDirectory: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly changedFilesWithAncestor: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly changedSince: { readonly description: string; readonly nargs: 1; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly ci: { readonly default: boolean; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly clearCache: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly clearMocks: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly collectCoverage: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Alias for --coverage."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly collectCoverageFrom: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly collectCoverageOnlyFrom: { readonly description: "Explicit list of paths coverage will be restricted to."; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly color: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly colors: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Alias for `--color`."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly config: { readonly alias: "c"; readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly coverage: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly coverageDirectory: { readonly description: "The directory where Jest should output its coverage files."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly coveragePathIgnorePatterns: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly coverageProvider: { readonly choices: readonly ["babel", "v8"]; readonly description: "Select between Babel and V8 to collect coverage"; }; readonly coverageReporters: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly coverageThreshold: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly debug: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Print debugging info about your jest config."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly detectLeaks: { readonly default: false; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly detectOpenHandles: { readonly default: false; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly env: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly errorOnDeprecated: { readonly default: false; readonly description: "Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly expand: { readonly alias: "e"; readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Use this flag to show full diffs instead of a patch."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly filter: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly findRelatedTests: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly forceExit: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly globalSetup: { readonly description: "The path to a module that runs before All Tests."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly globalTeardown: { readonly description: "The path to a module that runs after All Tests."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly globals: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly haste: { readonly description: "A JSON string with map of variables for the haste module system"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly init: { readonly description: "Generate a basic configuration file"; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly injectGlobals: { readonly description: "Should Jest inject global variables or not"; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly json: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly lastCommit: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly listTests: { readonly default: false; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly logHeapUsage: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly mapCoverage: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly maxConcurrency: { readonly default: 5; readonly description: string; readonly type: "number"; }; readonly maxWorkers: { readonly alias: "w"; readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly moduleDirectories: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly moduleFileExtensions: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly moduleNameMapper: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly modulePathIgnorePatterns: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly modulePaths: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly noStackTrace: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Disables stack trace in test results output"; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly notify: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Activates notifications for test results."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly notifyMode: { readonly default: "failure-change"; readonly description: "Specifies when notifications will appear for test results."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly onlyChanged: { readonly alias: "o"; readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly onlyFailures: { readonly alias: "f"; readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Run tests that failed in the previous execution."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly outputFile: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly passWithNoTests: { readonly default: false; readonly description: "Will not fail if no tests are found (for example while using `--testPathPattern`.)"; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly preset: { readonly description: "A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly prettierPath: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "The path to the \"prettier\" module used for inline snapshots."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly projects: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly reporters: { readonly description: "A list of custom reporters for the test suite."; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly resetMocks: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly resetModules: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly resolver: { readonly description: "A JSON string which allows the use of a custom resolver."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly restoreMocks: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly rootDir: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly roots: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly runInBand: { readonly alias: "i"; readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly runTestsByPath: { readonly default: false; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly runner: { readonly description: "Allows to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly selectProjects: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly setupFiles: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly setupFilesAfterEnv: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly showConfig: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Print your jest config and then exits."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly silent: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Prevent tests from printing messages through the console."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly skipFilter: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly snapshotSerializers: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly testEnvironment: { readonly description: "Alias for --env"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly testEnvironmentOptions: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly testFailureExitCode: { readonly description: "Exit code of `jest` command if the test run failed"; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly testLocationInResults: { readonly default: false; readonly description: "Add `location` information to the test results"; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly testMatch: { readonly description: "The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files."; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly testNamePattern: { readonly alias: "t"; readonly description: "Run only tests with a name that matches the regex pattern."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly testPathIgnorePatterns: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly testPathPattern: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly testRegex: { readonly description: "A string or array of string regexp patterns that Jest uses to detect test files."; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly testResultsProcessor: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly testRunner: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly testSequencer: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly testTimeout: { readonly description: "This option sets the default timeouts of test cases."; readonly type: "number"; }; readonly testURL: { readonly description: "This option sets the URL for the jsdom environment."; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly timers: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly transform: { readonly description: string; readonly type: "string"; }; readonly transformIgnorePatterns: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly unmockedModulePathPatterns: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly updateSnapshot: { readonly alias: "u"; readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly useStderr: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Divert all output to stderr."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly verbose: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Display individual test results with the test suite hierarchy."; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly version: { readonly alias: "v"; readonly default: undefined; readonly description: "Print the version and exit"; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly watch: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly watchAll: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; readonly watchPathIgnorePatterns: { readonly description: string; readonly string: true; readonly type: "array"; }; readonly watchman: { readonly default: undefined; readonly description: string; readonly type: "boolean"; }; };