"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Hub", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _hub.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NodePath", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _index.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Scope", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _index2.default; } }); exports.visitors = exports.default = void 0; var visitors = require("./visitors.js"); exports.visitors = visitors; var _t = require("@babel/types"); var cache = require("./cache.js"); var _traverseNode = require("./traverse-node.js"); var _index = require("./path/index.js"); var _index2 = require("./scope/index.js"); var _hub = require("./hub.js"); const { VISITOR_KEYS, removeProperties, traverseFast } = _t; function traverse(parent, opts = {}, scope, state, parentPath, visitSelf) { if (!parent) return; if (!opts.noScope && !scope) { if (parent.type !== "Program" && parent.type !== "File") { throw new Error("You must pass a scope and parentPath unless traversing a Program/File. " + `Instead of that you tried to traverse a ${parent.type} node without ` + "passing scope and parentPath."); } } if (!parentPath && visitSelf) { throw new Error("visitSelf can only be used when providing a NodePath."); } if (!VISITOR_KEYS[parent.type]) { return; } visitors.explode(opts); (0, _traverseNode.traverseNode)(parent, opts, scope, state, parentPath, null, visitSelf); } var _default = traverse; exports.default = _default; traverse.visitors = visitors; traverse.verify = visitors.verify; traverse.explode = visitors.explode; traverse.cheap = function (node, enter) { traverseFast(node, enter); return; }; traverse.node = function (node, opts, scope, state, path, skipKeys) { (0, _traverseNode.traverseNode)(node, opts, scope, state, path, skipKeys); }; traverse.clearNode = function (node, opts) { removeProperties(node, opts); }; traverse.removeProperties = function (tree, opts) { traverseFast(tree, traverse.clearNode, opts); return tree; }; function hasDenylistedType(path, state) { if (path.node.type === state.type) { state.has = true; path.stop(); } } traverse.hasType = function (tree, type, denylistTypes) { if (denylistTypes != null && denylistTypes.includes(tree.type)) return false; if (tree.type === type) return true; const state = { has: false, type: type }; traverse(tree, { noScope: true, denylist: denylistTypes, enter: hasDenylistedType }, null, state); return state.has; }; traverse.cache = cache; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map