'use strict'; const cleanPositionalOperators = require('../schema/cleanPositionalOperators'); const handleTimestampOption = require('../schema/handleTimestampOption'); module.exports = applyTimestampsToChildren; /*! * ignore */ function applyTimestampsToChildren(now, update, schema) { if (update == null) { return; } const keys = Object.keys(update); const hasDollarKey = keys.some(key => key[0] === '$'); if (hasDollarKey) { if (update.$push) { _applyTimestampToUpdateOperator(update.$push); } if (update.$addToSet) { _applyTimestampToUpdateOperator(update.$addToSet); } if (update.$set != null) { const keys = Object.keys(update.$set); for (const key of keys) { applyTimestampsToUpdateKey(schema, key, update.$set, now); } } if (update.$setOnInsert != null) { const keys = Object.keys(update.$setOnInsert); for (const key of keys) { applyTimestampsToUpdateKey(schema, key, update.$setOnInsert, now); } } } const updateKeys = Object.keys(update).filter(key => key[0] !== '$'); for (const key of updateKeys) { applyTimestampsToUpdateKey(schema, key, update, now); } function _applyTimestampToUpdateOperator(op) { for (const key of Object.keys(op)) { const $path = schema.path(key.replace(/\.\$\./i, '.').replace(/.\$$/, '')); if (op[key] && $path && $path.$isMongooseDocumentArray && $path.schema.options.timestamps) { const timestamps = $path.schema.options.timestamps; const createdAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'createdAt'); const updatedAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'updatedAt'); if (op[key].$each) { op[key].$each.forEach(function(subdoc) { if (updatedAt != null) { subdoc[updatedAt] = now; } if (createdAt != null) { subdoc[createdAt] = now; } applyTimestampsToChildren(now, subdoc, $path.schema); }); } else { if (updatedAt != null) { op[key][updatedAt] = now; } if (createdAt != null) { op[key][createdAt] = now; } applyTimestampsToChildren(now, op[key], $path.schema); } } } } } function applyTimestampsToDocumentArray(arr, schematype, now) { const timestamps = schematype.schema.options.timestamps; const len = arr.length; if (!timestamps) { for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { applyTimestampsToChildren(now, arr[i], schematype.schema); } return; } const createdAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'createdAt'); const updatedAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'updatedAt'); for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (updatedAt != null) { arr[i][updatedAt] = now; } if (createdAt != null) { arr[i][createdAt] = now; } applyTimestampsToChildren(now, arr[i], schematype.schema); } } function applyTimestampsToSingleNested(subdoc, schematype, now) { const timestamps = schematype.schema.options.timestamps; if (!timestamps) { applyTimestampsToChildren(now, subdoc, schematype.schema); return; } const createdAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'createdAt'); const updatedAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'updatedAt'); if (updatedAt != null) { subdoc[updatedAt] = now; } if (createdAt != null) { subdoc[createdAt] = now; } applyTimestampsToChildren(now, subdoc, schematype.schema); } function applyTimestampsToUpdateKey(schema, key, update, now) { // Replace positional operator `$` and array filters `$[]` and `$[.*]` const keyToSearch = cleanPositionalOperators(key); const path = schema.path(keyToSearch); if (!path) { return; } const parentSchemaTypes = []; const pieces = keyToSearch.split('.'); for (let i = pieces.length - 1; i > 0; --i) { const s = schema.path(pieces.slice(0, i).join('.')); if (s != null && (s.$isMongooseDocumentArray || s.$isSingleNested)) { parentSchemaTypes.push({ parentPath: key.split('.').slice(0, i).join('.'), parentSchemaType: s }); } } if (Array.isArray(update[key]) && path.$isMongooseDocumentArray) { applyTimestampsToDocumentArray(update[key], path, now); } else if (update[key] && path.$isSingleNested) { applyTimestampsToSingleNested(update[key], path, now); } else if (parentSchemaTypes.length > 0) { for (const item of parentSchemaTypes) { const parentPath = item.parentPath; const parentSchemaType = item.parentSchemaType; const timestamps = parentSchemaType.schema.options.timestamps; const updatedAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'updatedAt'); if (!timestamps || updatedAt == null) { continue; } if (parentSchemaType.$isSingleNested) { // Single nested is easy update[parentPath + '.' + updatedAt] = now; } else if (parentSchemaType.$isMongooseDocumentArray) { let childPath = key.substring(parentPath.length + 1); if (/^\d+$/.test(childPath)) { update[parentPath + '.' + childPath][updatedAt] = now; continue; } const firstDot = childPath.indexOf('.'); childPath = firstDot !== -1 ? childPath.substring(0, firstDot) : childPath; update[parentPath + '.' + childPath + '.' + updatedAt] = now; } } } else if (path.schema != null && path.schema != schema && update[key]) { const timestamps = path.schema.options.timestamps; const createdAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'createdAt'); const updatedAt = handleTimestampOption(timestamps, 'updatedAt'); if (!timestamps) { return; } if (updatedAt != null) { update[key][updatedAt] = now; } if (createdAt != null) { update[key][createdAt] = now; } } }