'use strict'; const get = require('../get'); const helperIsObject = require('../isObject'); const decorateDiscriminatorIndexOptions = require('../indexes/decorateDiscriminatorIndexOptions'); /** * Gather all indexes defined in the schema, including single nested, * document arrays, and embedded discriminators. * @param {Schema} schema * @api private */ module.exports = function getIndexes(schema) { let indexes = []; const schemaStack = new WeakMap(); const indexTypes = schema.constructor.indexTypes; const indexByName = new Map(); collectIndexes(schema); return indexes; function collectIndexes(schema, prefix, baseSchema) { // Ignore infinitely nested schemas, if we've already seen this schema // along this path there must be a cycle if (schemaStack.has(schema)) { return; } schemaStack.set(schema, true); prefix = prefix || ''; const keys = Object.keys(schema.paths); for (const key of keys) { const path = schema.paths[key]; if (baseSchema != null && baseSchema.paths[key]) { // If looking at an embedded discriminator schema, don't look at paths // that the continue; } if (path.$isMongooseDocumentArray || path.$isSingleNested) { if (get(path, 'options.excludeIndexes') !== true && get(path, 'schemaOptions.excludeIndexes') !== true && get(path, 'schema.options.excludeIndexes') !== true) { collectIndexes(path.schema, prefix + key + '.'); } if (path.schema.discriminators != null) { const discriminators = path.schema.discriminators; const discriminatorKeys = Object.keys(discriminators); for (const discriminatorKey of discriminatorKeys) { collectIndexes(discriminators[discriminatorKey], prefix + key + '.', path.schema); } } // Retained to minimize risk of backwards breaking changes due to // gh-6113 if (path.$isMongooseDocumentArray) { continue; } } const index = path._index || (path.caster && path.caster._index); if (index !== false && index !== null && index !== undefined) { const field = {}; const isObject = helperIsObject(index); const options = isObject ? index : {}; const type = typeof index === 'string' ? index : isObject ? index.type : false; if (type && indexTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) { field[prefix + key] = type; } else if (options.text) { field[prefix + key] = 'text'; delete options.text; } else { let isDescendingIndex = false; if (index === 'descending' || index === 'desc') { isDescendingIndex = true; } else if (index === 'ascending' || index === 'asc') { isDescendingIndex = false; } else { isDescendingIndex = Number(index) === -1; } field[prefix + key] = isDescendingIndex ? -1 : 1; } delete options.type; if (!('background' in options)) { options.background = true; } if (schema.options.autoIndex != null) { options._autoIndex = schema.options.autoIndex; } const indexName = options && options.name; if (typeof indexName === 'string') { if (indexByName.has(indexName)) { Object.assign(indexByName.get(indexName), field); } else { indexes.push([field, options]); indexByName.set(indexName, field); } } else { indexes.push([field, options]); indexByName.set(indexName, field); } } } schemaStack.delete(schema); if (prefix) { fixSubIndexPaths(schema, prefix); } else { schema._indexes.forEach(function(index) { const options = index[1]; if (!('background' in options)) { options.background = true; } decorateDiscriminatorIndexOptions(schema, options); }); indexes = indexes.concat(schema._indexes); } } /** * Checks for indexes added to subdocs using Schema.index(). * These indexes need their paths prefixed properly. * * schema._indexes = [ [indexObj, options], [indexObj, options] ..] * @param {Schema} schema * @param {String} prefix * @api private */ function fixSubIndexPaths(schema, prefix) { const subindexes = schema._indexes; const len = subindexes.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const indexObj = subindexes[i][0]; const indexOptions = subindexes[i][1]; const keys = Object.keys(indexObj); const klen = keys.length; const newindex = {}; // use forward iteration, order matters for (let j = 0; j < klen; ++j) { const key = keys[j]; newindex[prefix + key] = indexObj[key]; } const newIndexOptions = Object.assign({}, indexOptions); if (indexOptions != null && indexOptions.partialFilterExpression != null) { newIndexOptions.partialFilterExpression = {}; const partialFilterExpression = indexOptions.partialFilterExpression; for (const key of Object.keys(partialFilterExpression)) { newIndexOptions.partialFilterExpression[prefix + key] = partialFilterExpression[key]; } } indexes.push([newindex, newIndexOptions]); } } };