/*! * Module dependencies. */ 'use strict'; const MongooseConnection = require('../../connection'); const MongooseError = require('../../error/index'); const STATES = require('../../connectionstate'); const mongodb = require('mongodb'); const pkg = require('../../../package.json'); const processConnectionOptions = require('../../helpers/processConnectionOptions'); const setTimeout = require('../../helpers/timers').setTimeout; const utils = require('../../utils'); /** * A [node-mongodb-native](https://github.com/mongodb/node-mongodb-native) connection implementation. * * @inherits Connection * @api private */ function NativeConnection() { MongooseConnection.apply(this, arguments); this._listening = false; } /** * Expose the possible connection states. * @api public */ NativeConnection.STATES = STATES; /*! * Inherits from Connection. */ Object.setPrototypeOf(NativeConnection.prototype, MongooseConnection.prototype); /** * Switches to a different database using the same connection pool. * * Returns a new connection object, with the new db. If you set the `useCache` * option, `useDb()` will cache connections by `name`. * * **Note:** Calling `close()` on a `useDb()` connection will close the base connection as well. * * @param {String} name The database name * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.useCache=false] If true, cache results so calling `useDb()` multiple times with the same name only creates 1 connection object. * @param {Boolean} [options.noListener=false] If true, the new connection object won't listen to any events on the base connection. This is better for memory usage in cases where you're calling `useDb()` for every request. * @return {Connection} New Connection Object * @api public */ NativeConnection.prototype.useDb = function(name, options) { // Return immediately if cached options = options || {}; if (options.useCache && this.relatedDbs[name]) { return this.relatedDbs[name]; } // we have to manually copy all of the attributes... const newConn = new this.constructor(); newConn.name = name; newConn.base = this.base; newConn.collections = {}; newConn.models = {}; newConn.replica = this.replica; newConn.config = Object.assign({}, this.config, newConn.config); newConn.name = this.name; newConn.options = this.options; newConn._readyState = this._readyState; newConn._closeCalled = this._closeCalled; newConn._hasOpened = this._hasOpened; newConn._listening = false; newConn._parent = this; newConn.host = this.host; newConn.port = this.port; newConn.user = this.user; newConn.pass = this.pass; // First, when we create another db object, we are not guaranteed to have a // db object to work with. So, in the case where we have a db object and it // is connected, we can just proceed with setting everything up. However, if // we do not have a db or the state is not connected, then we need to wait on // the 'open' event of the connection before doing the rest of the setup // the 'connected' event is the first time we'll have access to the db object const _this = this; newConn.client = _this.client; if (this.db && this._readyState === STATES.connected) { wireup(); } else { this.once('connected', wireup); } function wireup() { newConn.client = _this.client; const _opts = {}; if (options.hasOwnProperty('noListener')) { _opts.noListener = options.noListener; } newConn.db = _this.client.db(name, _opts); newConn.onOpen(); } newConn.name = name; // push onto the otherDbs stack, this is used when state changes if (options.noListener !== true) { this.otherDbs.push(newConn); } newConn.otherDbs.push(this); // push onto the relatedDbs cache, this is used when state changes if (options && options.useCache) { this.relatedDbs[newConn.name] = newConn; newConn.relatedDbs = this.relatedDbs; } return newConn; }; /** * Removes the database connection with the given name created with `useDb()`. * * Throws an error if the database connection was not found. * * #### Example: * * // Connect to `initialdb` first * const conn = await mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://').asPromise(); * * // Creates an un-cached connection to `mydb` * const db = conn.useDb('mydb'); * * // Closes `db`, and removes `db` from `conn.relatedDbs` and `conn.otherDbs` * await conn.removeDb('mydb'); * * @method removeDb * @memberOf Connection * @param {String} name The database name * @return {Connection} this */ NativeConnection.prototype.removeDb = function removeDb(name) { const dbs = this.otherDbs.filter(db => db.name === name); if (!dbs.length) { throw new MongooseError(`No connections to database "${name}" found`); } for (const db of dbs) { db._closeCalled = true; db._destroyCalled = true; db._readyState = STATES.disconnected; db.$wasForceClosed = true; } delete this.relatedDbs[name]; this.otherDbs = this.otherDbs.filter(db => db.name !== name); }; /** * Closes the connection * * @param {Boolean} [force] * @return {Connection} this * @api private */ NativeConnection.prototype.doClose = async function doClose(force) { if (this.client == null) { return this; } let skipCloseClient = false; if (force != null && typeof force === 'object') { skipCloseClient = force.skipCloseClient; force = force.force; } if (skipCloseClient) { return this; } await this.client.close(force); // Defer because the driver will wait at least 1ms before finishing closing // the pool, see https://github.com/mongodb-js/mongodb-core/blob/a8f8e4ce41936babc3b9112bf42d609779f03b39/lib/connection/pool.js#L1026-L1030. // If there's queued operations, you may still get some background work // after the callback is called. await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1)); return this; }; /*! * ignore */ NativeConnection.prototype.createClient = async function createClient(uri, options) { if (typeof uri !== 'string') { throw new MongooseError('The `uri` parameter to `openUri()` must be a ' + `string, got "${typeof uri}". Make sure the first parameter to ` + '`mongoose.connect()` or `mongoose.createConnection()` is a string.'); } if (this._destroyCalled) { throw new MongooseError( 'Connection has been closed and destroyed, and cannot be used for re-opening the connection. ' + 'Please create a new connection with `mongoose.createConnection()` or `mongoose.connect()`.' ); } if (this.readyState === STATES.connecting || this.readyState === STATES.connected) { if (this._connectionString !== uri) { throw new MongooseError('Can\'t call `openUri()` on an active connection with ' + 'different connection strings. Make sure you aren\'t calling `mongoose.connect()` ' + 'multiple times. See: https://mongoosejs.com/docs/connections.html#multiple_connections'); } } options = processConnectionOptions(uri, options); if (options) { const autoIndex = options.config && options.config.autoIndex != null ? options.config.autoIndex : options.autoIndex; if (autoIndex != null) { this.config.autoIndex = autoIndex !== false; delete options.config; delete options.autoIndex; } if ('autoCreate' in options) { this.config.autoCreate = !!options.autoCreate; delete options.autoCreate; } if ('sanitizeFilter' in options) { this.config.sanitizeFilter = options.sanitizeFilter; delete options.sanitizeFilter; } // Backwards compat if (options.user || options.pass) { options.auth = options.auth || {}; options.auth.username = options.user; options.auth.password = options.pass; this.user = options.user; this.pass = options.pass; } delete options.user; delete options.pass; if (options.bufferCommands != null) { this.config.bufferCommands = options.bufferCommands; delete options.bufferCommands; } } else { options = {}; } this._connectionOptions = options; const dbName = options.dbName; if (dbName != null) { this.$dbName = dbName; } delete options.dbName; if (!utils.hasUserDefinedProperty(options, 'driverInfo')) { options.driverInfo = { name: 'Mongoose', version: pkg.version }; } this.readyState = STATES.connecting; this._connectionString = uri; let client; try { client = new mongodb.MongoClient(uri, options); } catch (error) { this.readyState = STATES.disconnected; throw error; } this.client = client; client.setMaxListeners(0); await client.connect(); _setClient(this, client, options, dbName); for (const db of this.otherDbs) { _setClient(db, client, {}, db.name); } return this; }; /*! * ignore */ NativeConnection.prototype.setClient = function setClient(client) { if (!(client instanceof mongodb.MongoClient)) { throw new MongooseError('Must call `setClient()` with an instance of MongoClient'); } if (this.readyState !== STATES.disconnected) { throw new MongooseError('Cannot call `setClient()` on a connection that is already connected.'); } if (client.topology == null) { throw new MongooseError('Cannot call `setClient()` with a MongoClient that you have not called `connect()` on yet.'); } this._connectionString = client.s.url; _setClient(this, client, {}, client.s.options.dbName); for (const model of Object.values(this.models)) { // Errors handled internally, so safe to ignore error model.init().catch(function $modelInitNoop() {}); } return this; }; /*! * ignore */ function _setClient(conn, client, options, dbName) { const db = dbName != null ? client.db(dbName) : client.db(); conn.db = db; conn.client = client; conn.host = client && client.s && client.s.options && client.s.options.hosts && client.s.options.hosts[0] && client.s.options.hosts[0].host || void 0; conn.port = client && client.s && client.s.options && client.s.options.hosts && client.s.options.hosts[0] && client.s.options.hosts[0].port || void 0; conn.name = dbName != null ? dbName : db.databaseName; conn._closeCalled = client._closeCalled; const _handleReconnect = () => { // If we aren't disconnected, we assume this reconnect is due to a // socket timeout. If there's no activity on a socket for // `socketTimeoutMS`, the driver will attempt to reconnect and emit // this event. if (conn.readyState !== STATES.connected) { conn.readyState = STATES.connected; conn.emit('reconnect'); conn.emit('reconnected'); conn.onOpen(); } }; const type = client && client.topology && client.topology.description && client.topology.description.type || ''; if (type === 'Single') { client.on('serverDescriptionChanged', ev => { const newDescription = ev.newDescription; if (newDescription.type === 'Unknown') { conn.readyState = STATES.disconnected; } else { _handleReconnect(); } }); } else if (type.startsWith('ReplicaSet')) { client.on('topologyDescriptionChanged', ev => { // Emit disconnected if we've lost connectivity to the primary const description = ev.newDescription; if (conn.readyState === STATES.connected && description.type !== 'ReplicaSetWithPrimary') { // Implicitly emits 'disconnected' conn.readyState = STATES.disconnected; } else if (conn.readyState === STATES.disconnected && description.type === 'ReplicaSetWithPrimary') { _handleReconnect(); } }); } conn.onOpen(); for (const i in conn.collections) { if (utils.object.hasOwnProperty(conn.collections, i)) { conn.collections[i].onOpen(); } } } /*! * Module exports. */ module.exports = NativeConnection;