// S35 - MongoDB Query Operators and Field Projection: /* Sample solution: return async function findName(db) { await (db.collectionName.find({ $and: [ {field1: "value1"}, {field2: "value2"} ] })); } Note: - Do note change the functionName or modify the exports - Delete all the comments before pushing. */ // 1. Find users with letter s in their first name or d in their last name. async function findName(db) { return await( db.users.find({firstName:,{$regex: "s", $options:"i"}}); ); }; // 2. Find users who are from the HR department and their age is greater than or equal to 70. async function findDeptAge(db) { return await ( // Add query here ); }; // 3. Find users with the letter e in their last name and has an age of less than or equal to 30. async function findNameAge(db) { return await ( db.users.find({lastName:{$regex: "e", $options:"i"}},{$lte:30}); ); }; try{ module.exports = { findName, findDeptAge, findNameAge }; } catch(err){ };