'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.printSnapshotAndReceived = exports.printPropertiesAndReceived = exports.printReceived = exports.printExpected = exports.matcherHintFromConfig = exports.PROPERTIES_ARG = exports.SNAPSHOT_ARG = exports.HINT_ARG = exports.noColor = exports.bReceivedColor = exports.aSnapshotColor = exports.getReceivedColorForChalkInstance = exports.getSnapshotColorForChalkInstance = void 0; var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk')); var _utils = require('expect/build/utils'); var _jestDiff = require('jest-diff'); var _jestGetType = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-get-type')); var _jestMatcherUtils = require('jest-matcher-utils'); var _prettyFormat = _interopRequireDefault(require('pretty-format')); var _colors = require('./colors'); var _dedentLines = require('./dedentLines'); var _utils2 = require('./utils'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /* eslint-disable local/ban-types-eventually */ // Temporary hack because getObjectSubset has known limitations, // is not in the public interface of the expect package, // and the long-term goal is to use a non-serialization diff. const getSnapshotColorForChalkInstance = chalkInstance => { const level = chalkInstance.level; if (level === 3) { return chalkInstance .rgb( _colors.aForeground3[0], _colors.aForeground3[1], _colors.aForeground3[2] ) .bgRgb( _colors.aBackground3[0], _colors.aBackground3[1], _colors.aBackground3[2] ); } if (level === 2) { return chalkInstance .ansi256(_colors.aForeground2) .bgAnsi256(_colors.aBackground2); } return chalkInstance.magenta.bgYellowBright; }; exports.getSnapshotColorForChalkInstance = getSnapshotColorForChalkInstance; const getReceivedColorForChalkInstance = chalkInstance => { const level = chalkInstance.level; if (level === 3) { return chalkInstance .rgb( _colors.bForeground3[0], _colors.bForeground3[1], _colors.bForeground3[2] ) .bgRgb( _colors.bBackground3[0], _colors.bBackground3[1], _colors.bBackground3[2] ); } if (level === 2) { return chalkInstance .ansi256(_colors.bForeground2) .bgAnsi256(_colors.bBackground2); } return chalkInstance.cyan.bgWhiteBright; // also known as teal }; exports.getReceivedColorForChalkInstance = getReceivedColorForChalkInstance; const aSnapshotColor = getSnapshotColorForChalkInstance(_chalk.default); exports.aSnapshotColor = aSnapshotColor; const bReceivedColor = getReceivedColorForChalkInstance(_chalk.default); exports.bReceivedColor = bReceivedColor; const noColor = string => string; exports.noColor = noColor; const HINT_ARG = 'hint'; exports.HINT_ARG = HINT_ARG; const SNAPSHOT_ARG = 'snapshot'; exports.SNAPSHOT_ARG = SNAPSHOT_ARG; const PROPERTIES_ARG = 'properties'; exports.PROPERTIES_ARG = PROPERTIES_ARG; const matcherHintFromConfig = ( {context: {isNot, promise}, hint, inlineSnapshot, matcherName, properties}, isUpdatable ) => { const options = { isNot, promise }; if (isUpdatable) { options.receivedColor = bReceivedColor; } let expectedArgument = ''; if (typeof properties === 'object') { expectedArgument = PROPERTIES_ARG; if (isUpdatable) { options.expectedColor = noColor; } if (typeof hint === 'string' && hint.length !== 0) { options.secondArgument = HINT_ARG; options.secondArgumentColor = _jestMatcherUtils.BOLD_WEIGHT; } else if (typeof inlineSnapshot === 'string') { options.secondArgument = SNAPSHOT_ARG; if (isUpdatable) { options.secondArgumentColor = aSnapshotColor; } else { options.secondArgumentColor = noColor; } } } else { if (typeof hint === 'string' && hint.length !== 0) { expectedArgument = HINT_ARG; options.expectedColor = _jestMatcherUtils.BOLD_WEIGHT; } else if (typeof inlineSnapshot === 'string') { expectedArgument = SNAPSHOT_ARG; if (isUpdatable) { options.expectedColor = aSnapshotColor; } } } return (0, _jestMatcherUtils.matcherHint)( matcherName, undefined, expectedArgument, options ); }; // Given array of diffs, return string: // * include common substrings // * exclude change substrings which have opposite op // * include change substrings which have argument op // with change color only if there is a common substring exports.matcherHintFromConfig = matcherHintFromConfig; const joinDiffs = (diffs, op, hasCommon) => diffs.reduce( (reduced, diff) => reduced + (diff[0] === _jestDiff.DIFF_EQUAL ? diff[1] : diff[0] !== op ? '' : hasCommon ? (0, _jestMatcherUtils.INVERTED_COLOR)(diff[1]) : diff[1]), '' ); const isLineDiffable = received => { const receivedType = (0, _jestGetType.default)(received); if (_jestGetType.default.isPrimitive(received)) { return typeof received === 'string'; } if ( receivedType === 'date' || receivedType === 'function' || receivedType === 'regexp' ) { return false; } if (received instanceof Error) { return false; } if ( receivedType === 'object' && typeof received.asymmetricMatch === 'function' ) { return false; } return true; }; const printExpected = val => (0, _jestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR)((0, _utils2.minify)(val)); exports.printExpected = printExpected; const printReceived = val => (0, _jestMatcherUtils.RECEIVED_COLOR)((0, _utils2.minify)(val)); exports.printReceived = printReceived; const printPropertiesAndReceived = (properties, received, expand) => { const aAnnotation = 'Expected properties'; const bAnnotation = 'Received value'; if (isLineDiffable(properties) && isLineDiffable(received)) { return (0, _jestDiff.diffLinesUnified)( (0, _utils2.serialize)(properties).split('\n'), (0, _utils2.serialize)( (0, _utils.getObjectSubset)(received, properties) ).split('\n'), { aAnnotation, aColor: _jestMatcherUtils.EXPECTED_COLOR, bAnnotation, bColor: _jestMatcherUtils.RECEIVED_COLOR, changeLineTrailingSpaceColor: _chalk.default.bgYellow, commonLineTrailingSpaceColor: _chalk.default.bgYellow, emptyFirstOrLastLinePlaceholder: '↵', // U+21B5 expand, includeChangeCounts: true } ); } const printLabel = (0, _jestMatcherUtils.getLabelPrinter)( aAnnotation, bAnnotation ); return ( printLabel(aAnnotation) + printExpected(properties) + '\n' + printLabel(bAnnotation) + printReceived(received) ); }; exports.printPropertiesAndReceived = printPropertiesAndReceived; const MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH = 20000; const printSnapshotAndReceived = (a, b, received, expand) => { const aAnnotation = 'Snapshot'; const bAnnotation = 'Received'; const aColor = aSnapshotColor; const bColor = bReceivedColor; const options = { aAnnotation, aColor, bAnnotation, bColor, changeLineTrailingSpaceColor: noColor, commonLineTrailingSpaceColor: _chalk.default.bgYellow, emptyFirstOrLastLinePlaceholder: '↵', // U+21B5 expand, includeChangeCounts: true }; if (typeof received === 'string') { if ( a.length >= 2 && a.startsWith('"') && a.endsWith('"') && b === (0, _prettyFormat.default)(received) ) { // If snapshot looks like default serialization of a string // and received is string which has default serialization. if (!a.includes('\n') && !b.includes('\n')) { // If neither string is multiline, // display as labels and quoted strings. let aQuoted = a; let bQuoted = b; if ( a.length - 2 <= MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH && b.length - 2 <= MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH ) { const diffs = (0, _jestDiff.diffStringsRaw)( a.slice(1, -1), b.slice(1, -1), true ); const hasCommon = diffs.some( diff => diff[0] === _jestDiff.DIFF_EQUAL ); aQuoted = '"' + joinDiffs(diffs, _jestDiff.DIFF_DELETE, hasCommon) + '"'; bQuoted = '"' + joinDiffs(diffs, _jestDiff.DIFF_INSERT, hasCommon) + '"'; } const printLabel = (0, _jestMatcherUtils.getLabelPrinter)( aAnnotation, bAnnotation ); return ( printLabel(aAnnotation) + aColor(aQuoted) + '\n' + printLabel(bAnnotation) + bColor(bQuoted) ); } // Else either string is multiline, so display as unquoted strings. a = (0, _utils2.deserializeString)(a); // hypothetical expected string b = received; // not serialized } // Else expected had custom serialization or was not a string // or received has custom serialization. return a.length <= MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH && b.length <= MAX_DIFF_STRING_LENGTH ? (0, _jestDiff.diffStringsUnified)(a, b, options) : (0, _jestDiff.diffLinesUnified)(a.split('\n'), b.split('\n'), options); } if (isLineDiffable(received)) { const aLines2 = a.split('\n'); const bLines2 = b.split('\n'); // Fall through to fix a regression for custom serializers // like jest-snapshot-serializer-raw that ignore the indent option. const b0 = (0, _utils2.serialize)(received, 0); if (b0 !== b) { const aLines0 = (0, _dedentLines.dedentLines)(aLines2); if (aLines0 !== null) { // Compare lines without indentation. const bLines0 = b0.split('\n'); return (0, _jestDiff.diffLinesUnified2)( aLines2, bLines2, aLines0, bLines0, options ); } } // Fall back because: // * props include a multiline string // * text has more than one adjacent line // * markup does not close return (0, _jestDiff.diffLinesUnified)(aLines2, bLines2, options); } const printLabel = (0, _jestMatcherUtils.getLabelPrinter)( aAnnotation, bAnnotation ); return ( printLabel(aAnnotation) + aColor(a) + '\n' + printLabel(bAnnotation) + bColor(b) ); }; exports.printSnapshotAndReceived = printSnapshotAndReceived;