console.log('hello world'); const firstNum = 8**2; console.log(firstNum); const secondNum = Math.pow(8, 2); console.log(secondNum); // Template Literal let name = 'John'; let message = 'HEllo' + name + '! Welcome to programming'; console.log('Message without template literals '+ message); message = `Hello ${name}! Welcome to programming`; console.log(`Messagewith template literals: ${message}`); const anotherMessage =` ${name} attended a math competetion. He won it by solving the problem 8**2 with the solution of ${firstNum}. `; console.log(anotherMessage); const interestRate = .1 const principal = 1000 console.log (`The interest on your saving account is : ${principal*interestRate}`); const fullName = ['Juan', 'Dela','Cruz']; console.log(fullName[0]); console.log(fullName[1]); console.log(fullName[2]); console.log(`Hello ${fullName[0]}${fullName[1]}${fullName[2]}!Nice to meet you`); // arrow function const hello = () => { console.log('hello world'); } hello(); // Pre-Arrow Function function printFullName(firstName, middleName, lastName){ console.log(firstName + ''+middleName+''+lastName); } printFullName('John', 'D','Smith'); // Arrow Function const printFullName2 = (firstName, middleName, lastName) => { console.log(firstName + ''+middleName+''+lastName); } printFullName('John', 'D','Smith'); // Pre- Arrow Function with loops const students =['John','Jane','Judy']; students.forEach(function(student){ console.log(`${student} is a student`) }) // Arrow function with loops students.forEach(student => { console.log (`${student} is a student`) }); const add = (x, y) =>{ return x + y; } let total = add(1,2); console.log(total) const greet = (name = 'User') => { console.log(`Good morning, ${name}`); } greet(); greet('John'); // [SECTION] Class-Based Object Blueprints /* - Allows creation/instantiation of objects using classes as blueprints - Syntax: class ClassName { constructor(objectPropertyA, objectPropertyB){ this.objectPropertyA = objectPropertyA; this.objectPropertyB = objectPropertyB } } */ class Car { constructor(brand, name, year) { this.brand = brand; = name; this.year = year; } } // Instantiating an Object let myCar = new Car(); console.log(myCar) myCar.brand = "Ford"; = "Ranger Raptor"; myCar.year = 2021; console.log(myCar); // Creating/instantiating a new object from the Car class with initialized values const myNewCar = new Car("Toyota", "Vios", 2021); console.log(myNewCar);