/* Create functions which can manipulate our arrays. */ /* 1. Create a function called displayValues() which is able to receive an array of numbers and display cubed values in the console. - Use the forEach() method to print the square of each number on a new line. */ /* 2. Write a function called celsiusToFahrenheit that takes an array of Celsius temperatures as input returns an array of converted values to Fahrenheit. - Create a new variable inside the function called convertedArray. - Use the map() method to convert each temperature to Fahrenheit and save it into the variable. - return the convertedArray variable. */ /* 3. Write a function called areAllEven that takes an array of numbers as input and returns a boolean which determines if all the numbers given are even or not. - Create a new variable inside the function called isEven. - Use the every() method to check if all the numbers are even and save the result into the variable. - Return the isEven variable. */ /* 4. Write a function called hasDivisibleBy8 that takes an array of numbers as input returns a boolean which determines if the array contains at least one number divisible by 8. - Create a new variable called hasDivisible - Use the some() method to check if at least one of the given values is divisible by 8, save the result in the hasDivisible variable. - Return the hasDivisible variable. */ function hasDivisibleBy8(product); let hasDivisible = productsArray.some(function(product){ return(productsArray % 8 ); }); return hasDivisible; console.log(hasDivisible); /* 5. Write a function called filterEvenNumbers that takes an array of numbers as input and returns a new array containing only the even numbers from the original array. - Create a new variable called filteredNum - Use the filter() method to create a new array of only the even numbers from the original array save it in the filteredNum variable. - Return the filteredNum variable. */ /* 6. Write a function called getProductNames which is able to receive an array of product objects and return a new array of only the name values of each product. - Create a new variable called productNames - Use the map() method to return only the product names of each product object into a new array which we can save in the productNames variable. - Return the productNames variable. - A given productsArray can be used as an argument to test your function. */ let productsArray = [ { name: "Shampoo", price: 90 }, { name: "Toothbrush", price: 50 }, { name: "Soap", price: 25 }, { name: "Toothpaste", price: 45 }, ]; //Do not modify //For exporting to test.js try{ module.exports = { displayValues: typeof displayValues !== 'undefined' ? displayValues : null, areAllEven: typeof areAllEven !== 'undefined' ? areAllEven : null, hasDivisibleBy8: typeof hasDivisibleBy8 !== 'undefined' ? hasDivisibleBy8 : null, celsiusToFahrenheit: typeof celsiusToFahrenheit !== 'undefined' ? celsiusToFahrenheit : null, filterEvenNumbers: typeof filterEvenNumbers !== 'undefined' ? filterEvenNumbers : null, getProductNames: typeof getProductNames !== 'undefined' ? getProductNames : null, } } catch(err){ }