console.log('hello world'); /* 1. Create a function named getUserInfo which is able to return an object. The object returned should have the following properties: - key - data type - name - String - age - Number - address - String - isMarried - Boolean - petName - String Note: Property names given is required and should not be changed. To check, create a variable to save the value returned by the function. Then log the variable in the console. Note: This is optional. */ function getUserInfo(){ return{ key:'data type', name:'John', age:39, ismarried:false, petName:'baste' } }; const user =getUserInfo(); console.log(user); /* 2. Create a function named getArtistsArray which is able to return an array with at least 5 names of your favorite bands or artists. - Note: the array returned should have at least 5 elements as strings. function name given is required and cannot be changed. To check, create a variable to save the value returned by the function. Then log the variable in the console. Note: This is optional. */ function getArtistsArray(){ return ['Eraserheads','Parokya ni Edgar','Rivermaya','The Dawn','Kamikazee'] }; const artist = getArtistsArray(); console.log(artist); /* 3. Create a function named getSongsArray which is able to return an array with at least 5 titles of your favorite songs. - Note: the array returned should have at least 5 elements as strings. function name given is required and cannot be changed. To check, create a variable to save the value returned by the function. Then log the variable in the console. Note: This is optional. */ function getSongsArray(){ return['Perfect','Buwan','Call me maybe','Ikaw','Sana'] }; const song = getSongsArray(); console.log(song); /* 4. Create a function named getMoviesArray which is able to return an array with at least 5 titles of your favorite movies. - Note: the array returned should have at least 5 elements as strings. function name given is required and cannot be changed. To check, create a variable to save the value returned by the function. Then log the variable in the console. Note: This is optional. */ function getMoviesArray(){ return ['The hows of us','Barbie','Alone Together','Cant jelp falling in love','Hello love Goodbye'] }; const movies = getMoviesArray(); console.log(movies); /* 5. Create a function named getPrimeNumberArray which is able to return an array with at least 5 prime numbers. - Note: the array returned should have numbers only. function name given is required and cannot be changed. To check, create a variable to save the value returned by the function. Then log the variable in the console. Note: This is optional. */ function getPrimeNumberArray(){ return [2,3,5,7,11] } const number = getPrimeNumberArray(); console.log(number); //Do not modify //For exporting to test.js //Note: Do not change any variable and function names. All variables and functions to be checked are listed in the exports. try{ module.exports = { getUserInfo: typeof getUserInfo !== 'undefined' ? getUserInfo : null, getArtistsArray: typeof getArtistsArray !== 'undefined' ? getArtistsArray : null, getSongsArray: typeof getSongsArray !== 'undefined' ? getSongsArray : null, getMoviesArray: typeof getMoviesArray !== 'undefined' ? getMoviesArray : null, getPrimeNumberArray: typeof getPrimeNumberArray !== 'undefined' ? getPrimeNumberArray : null, } } catch(err){ }