You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

339 lines
10 KiB

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports.deepMerge = exports.saveSnapshotFile = exports.ensureDirectoryExists = exports.escapeBacktickString = exports.deserializeString = exports.minify = exports.serialize = exports.removeLinesBeforeExternalMatcherTrap = exports.removeExtraLineBreaks = exports.addExtraLineBreaks = exports.getSnapshotData = exports.keyToTestName = exports.testNameToKey = exports.SNAPSHOT_VERSION_WARNING = exports.SNAPSHOT_GUIDE_LINK = exports.SNAPSHOT_VERSION = void 0;
var path = _interopRequireWildcard(require('path'));
var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk'));
var fs = _interopRequireWildcard(require('graceful-fs'));
var _naturalCompare = _interopRequireDefault(require('natural-compare'));
var _prettyFormat = _interopRequireDefault(require('pretty-format'));
var _plugins = require('./plugins');
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj};
function _getRequireWildcardCache() {
if (typeof WeakMap !== 'function') return null;
var cache = new WeakMap();
_getRequireWildcardCache = function () {
return cache;
return cache;
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) {
if (obj && obj.__esModule) {
return obj;
if (obj === null || (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function')) {
return {default: obj};
var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache();
if (cache && cache.has(obj)) {
return cache.get(obj);
var newObj = {};
var hasPropertyDescriptor =
Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
for (var key in obj) {
if (, key)) {
var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor
? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key)
: null;
if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) {
Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc);
} else {
newObj[key] = obj[key];
newObj.default = obj;
if (cache) {
cache.set(obj, newObj);
return newObj;
var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol;
var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol;
var jestWriteFile =
global[Symbol.for('jest-native-write-file')] || fs.writeFileSync;
var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol;
var jestReadFile =
global[Symbol.for('jest-native-read-file')] || fs.readFileSync;
var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol;
var jestExistsFile =
global[Symbol.for('jest-native-exists-file')] || fs.existsSync;
const SNAPSHOT_VERSION_REGEXP = /^\/\/ Jest Snapshot v(.+),/;
const SNAPSHOT_VERSION_WARNING = _chalk.default.yellow(
`${_chalk.default.bold('Warning')}: Before you upgrade snapshots, ` +
`we recommend that you revert any local changes to tests or other code, ` +
`to ensure that you do not store invalid state.`
const writeSnapshotVersion = () =>
const validateSnapshotVersion = snapshotContents => {
const versionTest = SNAPSHOT_VERSION_REGEXP.exec(snapshotContents);
const version = versionTest && versionTest[1];
if (!version) {
return new Error(
'Outdated snapshot'
)}: No snapshot header found. ` +
`Jest 19 introduced versioned snapshots to ensure all developers ` +
`on a project are using the same version of Jest. ` +
`Please update all snapshots during this upgrade of Jest.\n\n`
if (version < SNAPSHOT_VERSION) {
return new Error(
'Outdated snapshot'
)}: The version of the snapshot ` +
`file associated with this test is outdated. The snapshot file ` +
`version ensures that all developers on a project are using ` +
`the same version of Jest. ` +
`Please update all snapshots during this upgrade of Jest.\n\n`
) +
`Expected: v${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}\n` +
`Received: v${version}\n\n` +
if (version > SNAPSHOT_VERSION) {
return new Error(
'Outdated Jest version'
)}: The version of this ` +
`snapshot file indicates that this project is meant to be used ` +
`with a newer version of Jest. The snapshot file version ensures ` +
`that all developers on a project are using the same version of ` +
`Jest. Please update your version of Jest and re-run the tests.\n\n`
) +
`Expected: v${SNAPSHOT_VERSION}\n` +
`Received: v${version}`
return null;
function isObject(item) {
return item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item);
const testNameToKey = (testName, count) => testName + ' ' + count;
exports.testNameToKey = testNameToKey;
const keyToTestName = key => {
if (!/ \d+$/.test(key)) {
throw new Error('Snapshot keys must end with a number.');
return key.replace(/ \d+$/, '');
exports.keyToTestName = keyToTestName;
const getSnapshotData = (snapshotPath, update) => {
const data = Object.create(null);
let snapshotContents = '';
let dirty = false;
if (jestExistsFile(snapshotPath)) {
try {
snapshotContents = jestReadFile(snapshotPath, 'utf8'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
const populate = new Function('exports', snapshotContents);
} catch {}
const validationResult = validateSnapshotVersion(snapshotContents);
const isInvalid = snapshotContents && validationResult;
if (update === 'none' && isInvalid) {
throw validationResult;
if ((update === 'all' || update === 'new') && isInvalid) {
dirty = true;
return {
}; // Add extra line breaks at beginning and end of multiline snapshot
// to make the content easier to read.
exports.getSnapshotData = getSnapshotData;
const addExtraLineBreaks = string =>
string.includes('\n') ? `\n${string}\n` : string; // Remove extra line breaks at beginning and end of multiline snapshot.
// Instead of trim, which can remove additional newlines or spaces
// at beginning or end of the content from a custom serializer.
exports.addExtraLineBreaks = addExtraLineBreaks;
const removeExtraLineBreaks = string =>
string.length > 2 && string.startsWith('\n') && string.endsWith('\n')
? string.slice(1, -1)
: string;
exports.removeExtraLineBreaks = removeExtraLineBreaks;
const removeLinesBeforeExternalMatcherTrap = stack => {
const lines = stack.split('\n');
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i += 1) {
// It's a function name specified in `packages/expect/src/index.ts`
// for external custom matchers.
if (lines[i].includes('__EXTERNAL_MATCHER_TRAP__')) {
return lines.slice(i + 1).join('\n');
return stack;
exports.removeLinesBeforeExternalMatcherTrap = removeLinesBeforeExternalMatcherTrap;
const escapeRegex = true;
const printFunctionName = false;
const serialize = (val, indent = 2) =>
(0, _prettyFormat.default)(val, {
plugins: (0, _plugins.getSerializers)(),
exports.serialize = serialize;
const minify = val =>
(0, _prettyFormat.default)(val, {
min: true,
plugins: (0, _plugins.getSerializers)(),
}); // Remove double quote marks and unescape double quotes and backslashes.
exports.minify = minify;
const deserializeString = stringified =>
stringified.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\("|\\)/g, '$1');
exports.deserializeString = deserializeString;
const escapeBacktickString = str => str.replace(/`|\\|\${/g, '\\$&');
exports.escapeBacktickString = escapeBacktickString;
const printBacktickString = str => '`' + escapeBacktickString(str) + '`';
const ensureDirectoryExists = filePath => {
try {
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(path.dirname(filePath)), {
recursive: true
} catch {}
exports.ensureDirectoryExists = ensureDirectoryExists;
const normalizeNewlines = string => string.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n');
const saveSnapshotFile = (snapshotData, snapshotPath) => {
const snapshots = Object.keys(snapshotData)
key =>
'exports[' +
printBacktickString(key) +
'] = ' +
printBacktickString(normalizeNewlines(snapshotData[key])) +
writeSnapshotVersion() + '\n\n' + snapshots.join('\n\n') + '\n'
exports.saveSnapshotFile = saveSnapshotFile;
const deepMergeArray = (target, source) => {
const mergedOutput = Array.from(target);
source.forEach((sourceElement, index) => {
const targetElement = mergedOutput[index];
if (Array.isArray(target[index])) {
mergedOutput[index] = deepMergeArray(target[index], sourceElement);
} else if (isObject(targetElement)) {
mergedOutput[index] = deepMerge(target[index], sourceElement);
} else {
// Source does not exist in target or target is primitive and cannot be deep merged
mergedOutput[index] = sourceElement;
return mergedOutput;
}; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
const deepMerge = (target, source) => {
if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {
const mergedOutput = {};
Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
if (isObject(source[key]) && !source[key].$$typeof) {
if (!(key in target))
Object.assign(mergedOutput, {
[key]: source[key]
else mergedOutput[key] = deepMerge(target[key], source[key]);
} else if (Array.isArray(source[key])) {
mergedOutput[key] = deepMergeArray(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
Object.assign(mergedOutput, {
[key]: source[key]
return mergedOutput;
} else if (Array.isArray(target) && Array.isArray(source)) {
return deepMergeArray(target, source);
return target;
exports.deepMerge = deepMerge;