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{"version":3,"names":["isDigit","code","forbiddenNumericSeparatorSiblings","decBinOct","Set","hex","isAllowedNumericSeparatorSibling","bin","ch","oct","dec","readStringContents","type","input","pos","lineStart","curLine","errors","initialPos","initialLineStart","initialCurLine","out","firstInvalidLoc","chunkStart","length","unterminated","slice","charCodeAt","isStringEnd","res","readEscapedChar","str","containsInvalid","inTemplate","throwOnInvalid","readHexChar","String","fromCharCode","readCodePoint","fromCodePoint","strictNumericEscape","startPos","match","octalStr","octal","parseInt","next","len","forceLen","n","readInt","invalidEscapeSequence","radix","allowNumSeparator","bailOnError","start","forbiddenSiblings","isAllowedSibling","invalid","total","i","e","Infinity","val","prev","numericSeparatorInEscapeSequence","Number","isNaN","has","unexpectedNumericSeparator","_isDigit","invalidDigit","indexOf","invalidCodePoint"],"sources":["../src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import * as charCodes from \"charcodes\";\n\n// The following character codes are forbidden from being\n// an immediate sibling of NumericLiteralSeparator _\nconst forbiddenNumericSeparatorSiblings = {\n decBinOct: new Set<number>([\n,\n charCodes.uppercaseB,\n charCodes.uppercaseE,\n charCodes.uppercaseO,\n charCodes.underscore, // multiple separators are not allowed\n charCodes.lowercaseB,\n charCodes.lowercaseE,\n charCodes.lowercaseO,\n ]),\n hex: new Set<number>([\n,\n charCodes.uppercaseX,\n charCodes.underscore, // multiple separators are not allowed\n charCodes.lowercaseX,\n ]),\n};\n\nconst isAllowedNumericSeparatorSibling = {\n // 0 - 1\n bin: (ch: number) => ch === charCodes.digit0 || ch === charCodes.digit1,\n\n // 0 - 7\n oct: (ch: number) => ch >= charCodes.digit0 && ch <= charCodes.digit7,\n\n // 0 - 9\n dec: (ch: number) => ch >= charCodes.digit0 && ch <= charCodes.digit9,\n\n // 0 - 9, A - F, a - f,\n hex: (ch: number) =>\n (ch >= charCodes.digit0 && ch <= charCodes.digit9) ||\n (ch >= charCodes.uppercaseA && ch <= charCodes.uppercaseF) ||\n (ch >= charCodes.lowercaseA && ch <= charCodes.lowercaseF),\n};\n\nexport type StringContentsErrorHandlers = EscapedCharErrorHandlers & {\n unterminated(\n initialPos: number,\n initialLineStart: number,\n initialCurLine: number,\n ): void;\n};\n\nexport function readStringContents(\n type: \"single\" | \"double\" | \"template\",\n input: string,\n pos: number,\n lineStart: number,\n curLine: number,\n errors: StringContentsErrorHandlers,\n) {\n const initialPos = pos;\n const initialLineStart = lineStart;\n const initialCurLine = curLine;\n\n let out = \"\";\n let firstInvalidLoc = null;\n let chunkStart = pos;\n const { length } = input;\n for (;;) {\n if (pos >= length) {\n errors.unterminated(initialPos, initialLineStart, initialCurLine);\n out += input.slice(chunkStart, pos);\n break;\n }\n const ch = input.charCodeAt(pos);\n if (isStringEnd(type, ch, input, pos)) {\n out += input.slice(chunkStart, pos);\n break;\n }\n if (ch === charCodes.backslash) {\n out += input.slice(chunkStart, pos);\n const res = readEscapedChar(\n input,\n pos,\n lineStart,\n curLine,\n type === \"template\",\n errors,\n );\n if ( === null && !firstInvalidLoc) {\n firstInvalidLoc = { pos, lineStart, curLine };\n } else {\n out +=;\n }\n ({ pos, lineStart, curLine } = res);\n chunkStart = pos;\n } else if (\n ch === charCodes.lineSeparator ||\n ch === charCodes.paragraphSeparator\n ) {\n ++pos;\n ++curLine;\n lineStart = pos;\n } else if (ch === charCodes.lineFeed || ch === charCodes.carriageReturn) {\n if (type === \"template\") {\n out += input.slice(chunkStart, pos) + \"\\n\";\n ++pos;\n if (\n ch === charCodes.carriageReturn &&\n input.charCodeAt(pos) === charCodes.lineFeed\n